Help to early contributors

If have approached the Smart Data Models Program (SDM) for the first time and you want to become a contributor there are some technical concepts that you need to know about the elements compiled at SDM.

Once checked this presentation maybe you want to review the contribution manual


New Structure of the main menu

After growing in options and service, it was necessary to update the main menu (not only to make it more legible), but also to make it more natural.

Explore the tools section where all the available services are listed together

Documentation contains everything related to the documentation generated at the SDM and that can be necessary for several tasks

About include mostly the same elements (the starting point and FAQs)

Search remains the same because is one of the most used resources

Community for the interconnection between users and contributors.

New data model request to learn how to start




Mapping with core public service vocabulary URI available

Every data model in the Smart Data Models program can be mapped with external ontologies and there is a service on the main menu to achieve that.

See main menu -> @context -> generate an external @context

After the publication of data models of CPSV-AP now it is possible to map with their URI thanks to the mapping file.



Draft your data model from a csv payload (test)

There is a new service for the creation of schema of a data model when the input is a csv payload.

It is available in the home -> Draft a data model -> Create a data model from csv payload

If you detect any issue or you want to make a suggestion, please send it to

test it here

    Extended the stats of the program

    If you want to access a slide with the main parameters for the Smart Data Models Program you can access it through the Main menu -> About -> Statistics

    Besides of the parameters updated every hour some slides containing the last parameters o the community like the # of terms, the linked pages, etc.

    This is the new content added

    Source presentation

    Monday meetings are monthly now

    We used to have a weekly meeting on Mondays. But this was not very flexible for the actual users. So we have done two things

    1. Change the meeting from weekly to monthly (and the content of the meeting will be to report but to provide support)
    2. Enable a new service for allocation of a specific slot of support. You can book your own 30 minutes support slot.

    Let’s enjoy ourselves.

    Live support more flexible

    We are going to replace the live support session on Mondays by a more flexible calendar service where you can book a 30 min slot for getting support on your data model design or use.

    Always available in the upper part of the page.

    Almost empty calendar

    New tool for simplified creation of a data model

    The creation of a data model requires two mandatory files, one example and a JSON schema containing the definitions and data types of the elements in the entity.
    However, the JSON schema creation could be somehow demanding.
    The new tool opens the door for people with only basic knowledge of JSON (every FIWARE user should be proficient in it).
    If you have an entity defined in your system just retrieve it in key values format and paste it in this form (available at Menu -> Draft a data model -> Generate your schema out of your payload.

    It will return a new page with a raw version of a JSON schema. What you have to check for a final submission?

    1.- The title and description of the overall schema

    2.- The id address of the schema (you’d need the subject to locate it)

    3.- If you want to include any tags

    4.- Remove those definitions that does not match your data model and include the missing ones.

    so you would be able to make a PR with this JSON schema and your example according to the contribution manual.

    Check it here as well

      Input: a json payload in keyvalues (id and type are mandatory)
      output: A json schema compliant with Smart Data Models Program mostly ready for contribution. See contribution manual for details.

      By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

      After clicking it will appear a message confirming the submission

      It will take an instant to redirect to the results