Converted Global Data dictionary codes

What is Global Data Dictionary

The GS1 Global Data Dictionary (GDD) is a repository of the data elements defined across all GS1 Standards.

What is the scope of the Global Data Dictionary?

GS1 Business Message Standards (BMS) and their components with definitions for GDSN 3.1, 3.1.2 , 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, GS1 XML for EDI 3.0, 3.13.2 and 3.3, TSD and EPCIS 1.0.1. Higher versions will be added upon ratification.

  • Business Messages
  • Business Information Entities – message components and the relationship between them
  • Business Data Types
  • Code Lists used in Business Messages

The Business Messages are composed of Business Information Entities that comprise classes of information and their attributes. The attributes, in turn, have data types that may contain code list

The Full Set of GDSN & Shared Code Lists, and the Full Set of EDI, EPCIS, CPV & Shared Code Lists is now in a structured format in json much easier to integrate with NGSI platform.

Soon there will be part of them integrated into the smart data models.

Updates on data models

There are 4 new data models under review at incubated folder


They will have to be adapted to the guidelines and to the manual of single data code

Additionally, there are new contributions to water Network management

It also has been submitted a new data model for water observation. Soon to be assessed and shared.



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