Extended context.jsonld in all data models

Every subject — a group of data models — has a file named contex.jsonld at their root. This file contains the @context with automatically generated IRI for the terms used in the data model. The Entity types are also available in this file with their long IRI.  In the pointed… More…

updated common-schema.json

We have noticed an error in the description of the attribute location in the file common-schema.json, a file that is embedded in most of the data models. It does not affect the data types (so the validation of the schemas is not affected) but it affects the qualification of the… More…

pysmartdatamodels options in the tools menu

New options for pysmartdatamodels package. There are a new element in he tools menu to access the pysmartdatamodels package, its documentation, or a code example. More…