3 new data models for environment (and mobility)

There are 3 new data models coming from the collaboration with the GreenMov project. They are located at the Environment subject. NoisePollutionForecast. Noise Pollution forecast stores the expectation about noise pollution based on some input elements and the noise elements present. TrafficEnvironmentImpact. Environmental Impact of traffic based on the vehicles… More…

Connecting Open Data Soft open data with Smart Data Models for drafting new data models

Many of the datasets published in open data portals are extensively used elsewhere. Well-maintained portals have managers that document the data structure and provide definitions of the types and contents of every field in these datasets. These are some of the requirements for the successful publication of a new Smart… More…

Extended EVCharginStation data model

The data model for the electrical charging stations (EVChargingStation) has a major extension with the contributions of IUDX. this is located at the Transportation subject. It includes attributes for the identification of the vehicle type, others related to the payment and the transaction, and others related to the identification of… More…

New customization option for context

The Smart Data Models Program does not define canonically and uniquely the terms used in the data models. There are many ontologies and vocabularies providing solutions to this issue. For those users of linked data solutions, every subject includes a context.jsonld file (see example) with long IRI for the terms… More…

Export of the full database of attributes

At home -> Search -> json export of attributes database of smart data modelsĀ  is the full database of attributes (more than 18000), see the statistics page as an array of JSON objects. Fields for each attribute _id: identifier of the item property: the name of the attribute dataModel: the… More…

Noise pollution data model and AirQualityForecast published at Environment subject

The Noise Pollution data model and the AirQualityForecast have been published on the Environment subject. The first one merges specific and punctual noise measurements (coming, e.g. from NoiseLevelObservation entities) into average parameters referred to city areas, providing more city-related data about noise pollution status and evolution. The second one helps… More…

Help to early contributors

If have approached the Smart Data Models Program (SDM) for the first time and you want to become a contributor there are some technical concepts that you need to know about the elements compiled at SDM. Once checked this presentation maybe you want to review the contribution manual   More…