List of Adopters (use cases) and contributors available at Community menu

On the front page under the Community menu, there are two new entries
Adopters: Lists the use cases documented in the different data models. It includes searchable facilities. It contains these fields:  adopter, description, mail, organization, project, comments, start date, subject and data model.

If you want to be listed, just make a PR on the file ADOPTERS.yaml of the data model folder. (The PR has to include an example ‘payload’ on how you use it)

Contributors: Lists the people. It contains these fields:  name, surname, mail, organization, project, comments, year, and subject.

If you want to be listed you have to have contributed to any of the data models of the subject and then make a PR on the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml at the root of the subject.

In both cases the attributes are not mandatory so they can be empty.

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