Updated context.jsonld

The context.jsonld for smart data models has been updated to meet json ld requirements. Now they are implementing geojson requirements.
It affects the terms of bbox and coordinates. It could impact those elements having a geoproperty (most of the data models).

New data ACMeasurement for Energy

The Subject of dataModel.Energy, inside the domain Smart Energy has released 1 new data model:

  • Pen : The Data Model intended to measure the electrical energies consumed by an electrical system which uses an Alternating Current (AC) for a three-phase (L1, L2, L3) or single-phase (L) and neutral (N). It integrates the initial version of the data Modem [THREEPHASEMEASUREMENT], extended to also perform single-phase measurements. It includes attributes for various electrical measurements such as power, frequency, current and voltage.

Create your data model with a google spreadsheet


This post became obsolete, go for the new master sheet


This is a resource, especially for those who have limited knowledge of JSON schema.

If you want to create a basic version of a data model (not all JSON schema is implemented), you can use a copy of this spreadsheet as template. This spreadsheet is always available at https://bit.ly/schema_sheet short name.

You need to fill the blue cells for these parameters:

  • Subject: Official Subject where this data model should be allocated. (Check the official list)
  • DataModel: Official data model name (Only one word i.e. WeatherForecast, no _).
  • Title: use to be the name data model name with spaces. (i.e. Weather Forecast)
  • Global Description: General text description of the data model. (2 lines is nice)
  • Property name: Exactly this, the name of the property. Use camelCase. It would be good to check here whether this property already exists (you can copy and paste). Use those you need and leave one empty after those you filled. Properties below an empty property name are ignored.
  • NGSI type: (Property, Relationship or Geoproperty)
  • Data type: Type of data in the property. (array and object are not fully implemented)
  • Other restrictions: If you are unfamiliar with JSON schema leave it empty.
  • Description: Official description of the property.

Once you’ve got the schema, grab some examples (It is always good to review the contribution manual) and you can make a Pull Request on any of the subjects of any domain in Github. Or just use this form.

NOTE 1: The first option will be attended quicker than the second.

NOTE 2: Do not write out of the blue cells (it will be ignored). And do not add or remove cells. The converter script looks for these precise locations in blue.

NOTE 3: Your spreadsheet has to be made public. (anyone with the link), otherwise, the script will not be able to retrieve your data.


Parameters: (Mandatories)


Output: A json schema based on the properties defined in the database. This is an alpha version so errors are not managed.

    This form generates a json schema based on the properties of a google sheet (Based on this template)


    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    After clicking it will appear a message confirming the submission

    It will take a while to redirect to the feedback on a specific page

    Thanks for being patient

    Alpha version for drafting a data model

    In case you are not an expert for creating a JSON schema (one of the elements of a data model)
    On this page, you have a spreadsheet for helping with the first steps.

    1.- Fill the spreadsheet with the names of the properties for your model

    2.- fill the NGSI type (Property, Relationship or Geoproperty)

    3.- In case of property, fill the data type (array and object types are currently not completely supported)

    4.- Fill in the description

    5.- Click the button, the page will reload

    6.- voila! you have your json schema below the spreadsheet, just copy and paste into your favourite editor.

    The python code for it is also made public in the utils directory in the data models repo.

    Include levels of privacy of properties in their description

    The privacy of the data contained in a property has been under discussion for the documentation of any property.

    Now there is a first version on how to implement it.

    The contribution manual has been updated for this possibility. See the specific slide about it.

    Privacy clause: Privacy:’[high/medium/low]

    Describes if the property has any kind of information related with personal data. Current options:

    • No clause: (default) this property does not contain personal data
    • Privacy:’high’: Those properties that refer to data on ideology, union affiliation, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health or sexual life.
    • Privacy:’medium’. Those properties related to the provision of financial solvency and credit services of people and those that contain definition of characteristics or personality and that allow evaluating certain aspects of personality or behavior of people.
    • Privacy:’low’.  Those properties that contains personal data different from the rest of types.


    “refUserDevice” :{

    “description”: “Property. Model:’http://schema.org/Text’. Privacy:’low’. An object representing the current device used by the User.”.


    Instructions to be listed as a data model adopter of Smart Data Models

    It has been updated the format of the list of adopters of the data models (formerly were CURRENT-ADOPTERS.md markdown files), now in it is rename into ADOPTERS.yaml based on this yaml template which allows an automatic processing. (Further announcements could be included in a future).

    Further instructions in the page Data Models Adopters how to located in the menu option Data models -> Data Models Adopters How to

    Improved the database of properties

    The database for the searching on data models, properties and their descriptions has been expanded to allow filtering also by :

    • NGSI type (one of Property, Relationship or Geoproperty)
    • data type (string, number, boolean, array, object, etc)

    Additionally, it has been updated containing more than 11.000 items

    Accessible from the front page in this widget (Structured check)

    You can export the results

    Common Information Model (CIM) specified by the IEC61970 standard data models

    There is a new subject focused on the data models, dataModel.EnergyCIM,  of the Common Information Model (CIM) specified by the IEC61970. It is inside the SmartEnergy domain.

    Due to a large number of data models (403), the examples will be provided later. it’s in the process of generating the README.md for all of them.

    Additionally, some of the properties could have some mismatch that it will be fixed as soon as detected (the lack of examples).

    Thanks to the RWTH university for its contribution.

    New data model for battery. StorageBattery

    There is a new data model StorageBattery

    The storage battery data model is intended to describe the technical characteristics of the battery and the charging and discharging conditions of the energy. The charging functionalities apply from a power source which can be an ‘on-board system, solar panel, wind turbine, generator, power supply’. Hydraulic sources are not included in this version. The discharge functions apply to all types of the system requiring energy consumption from a storage battery. *Remark* This Data Model can be used directly as the main entity to describe the device *Battery Storage* or as a sub-entity of the Data Model *DEVICE* using a reference by the *refDevice* attribute.

    Specifications in languages in the readme of the data models

    Now you can see the links to the specification in two languages, Spanish y French in the README.md of every data models. German and Japanese are in the queue.

    See here an example