New Version of the Python Package pysmartdatamodels 0.6.0

There is a new version of the python package for pysmartdatamodels 0.6.0.

This python package includes all the data models and several functions to use them in your developments.


– Four new functions

  • New functions to generate fake example files given the schema payload of the data model in normalized ngsi-ld format,  key value ngsi-ld format and geojson feature format
  • New function to update a broker compliant with a specific data model

– Acknowledgement session has been added into the README.

pysmartdatamodels 0.6.0

Get more details on the pypi page and feel free to try it out!

Would you use an attestation of your contribution to SDM?

We are considering to officially provide an attestation of your contributions to SDM.

Before launching it officially we have created a drafted document for those contributors with a valid mail and name (there are people who do not want to disclose their contribution).

Accordingly, if you browse the database of contributors you will see a new column with the heading attestation and a download draft link.

By clicking on that link you can download the draft version of an attestation of your contribution.

We’ll be glad to receive your feedback on this initiative and the format and content of the attestation in the address.

You can see an example below



Discord channel for Smart data models, #smart-data-models

Now you can see in the right widget a new entry with the link for our channel on discord #smart-data-models, you can also send your question there. (But only once you have joined by using this invitation )

If you need help on discord channel you can browse this link.


Simple but useful programs to interact with a broker in PHP

We have released two very simple programs to create an entity in a context broker and for removing an entity based on its id.

Although this is pretty straight forward, being coded in PHP allows you to integrate with, in example, in a WordPress site.

In fact these programs are working in the test Orion-LD broker option, located here at home -> tools -> test Orion-LD broker

The source code is available at the utils directory and the  data-models umbrella repository



Test an Orion-LD broker populated with the SDM examples

In the tools menu there is a new option “Test Orion-LD broker“.
In this address https://smartdatamodels:1026 there is an Orion-LD Broker installed open for testing purposes. You can check

It is wiped out every hour, on minute 27, and then repopulated with some hundreds of examples (most of the current examples in data models).

Some examples of queries:

full specification 1.6.1

FIWARE summit: Presentation on SALTED project. Data enrichment.

Here there are the slides of the SALTED project presented at the session on SDM during past FIWARE summit held at Vienna.

It deals with data enrichment and how to merge heterogeneous data sources.

FIWARE summit presentations. Training on SDM.

In these links you can find the two presentations of the training camp held during past week FIWARE summit.

New forms for joining SDM community

The last option of the menu, now include the forms to join the SDM community in the different roles:

Board Member: Organization managing the SDM together with the existing members FIAWRE, TMForum, IUDX and OASC

Contributor: People who bring new / update data models

Adopter: Organization or project using some of the data models

User: People willing to be informed about the updates on the Smart Data Models initiative

SpaceHeater, SwitchingDevice, Tank, Transformer, TransportElement, TubeBundle, UnitaryControlElement, Valve, VibrationIsolator data models in S4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2.

Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle.

  • SpaceHeater. Space heaters utilize a combination of radiation and/or natural convection using a heating source such as electricity, steam or hot water to heat a limited space or area. Examples of space heaters include radiators, convectors, baseboard and finned-tube heaters. UnitaryEquipment should be used for packaged units supporting a combination of heating, cooling, and/or dehumidification; Coil should be used for coil-based floor heating.

  • SwitchingDevice. A switch is used in a cable distribution system (electrical circuit) to control or modulate the flow of electricity. Switches include those used for electrical power, communications, audio-visual, or other distribution system types as determined by the available ports.

  • Tank. A tank is a vessel or container in which a fluid or gas is stored for later use.

  • Transformer. A transformer is an inductive stationary device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another. Transformer is used to transform electric power; conversion of electric signals for other purposes is handled at other entities: Controller converts arbitrary signals, AudioVisualAppliance converts signals for audio or video streams, and CommunicationsAppliance converts signals for data or other communications usage.

  • TransportElement. A transport element is a generalization of all transport related objects that move people, animals or goods within a building or building complex. The TransportElement defines the occurrence of a transport element.

  • TubeBundle. A tube bundle is a device consisting of tubes and bundles of tubes used for heat transfer and contained typically within other energy conversion devices, such as a chiller or coil.

  • UnitaryControlElement. A unitary control element combines a number of control components into a single product, such as a thermostat or humidistat. A unitary control element provides a housing for an aggregation of control or electrical distribution elements that, in combination, perform a singular (unitary) purpose. Each item in the aggregation may have its own geometric representation and location.

  • Valve. A valve is used in a building services piping distribution system to control or modulate the flow of the fluid.

  • VibrationIsolator. A vibration isolator is a device used to minimize the effects of vibration transmissibility in a building.

