pysmartdatamodels updated to 0.7

The new version does not provide new functionalities but an indication, including drafted code, about what is missing or in progress to the package can grow according to your needs.

The source code for the new version 0.7.0 is here at the data-models repository

There are 4 new functions drafted with the headings inputs and outputs and some recommendations for development.

1) validate_payload(datamodel, subject, payload)
2) create_QR_code(datamodel, subject)
3) include_local_datamodel(schema, subject, datamodel, contributors (optional), adopters (optional), notes(optional))
4) submit_datamodel(subject, datamodel, contributors (optional), adopters (optional), notes(optional), example_payload, notes_context, public_repository, credentials)

we will be glad to receive code or questions implementing this and we will include the authorship

Minor extension of pysmartdatamodels

There is a minor new version of the package pysmartdatamodels.

Now it allows to have in the metadata of a data model the direct links to the specification in the 8 languages.

you can access thanks to the function list_datamodel_metadata and accessing the objects with the keys, spec, spec_DE, spec_ES, spec_FR, spec_IT, spec_JA, spec_KO and spec_ZH

from pysmartdatamodels import pysmartdatamodels as sdm
subject = "dataModel.Weather"
dataModel ="WeatherForecast"
metadata = sdm.list_datamodel_metadata(dataModel, subject))

You can install the update

pip install –upgrade pysmartdatamodels

New version of pysmartdatamodels package 0.6.4 with adaptations to Data Spaces

There is a new version of the python package pysmartdatamodels

to use it you have just to type

pip install pysmartdatamodels

in your system

Besides the update in the list of data models it includes two new functions
look_for_data_model that allows approximate searches for a data model based on their name
list_datamodel_metadata that returns the metadata of a data model including context link, data model version, model tags, link to the schema and to the yaml version of the schema, title, description, $id, required, links to the examples, link to the adopters, link to the contributors of the subject and a link to the sql export of a data model

These new functions are the result of some requests of data spaces managers and several others will be included soon to help you out in the management of the semantic contents of a data space.

A code example of these two new functions

from pysmartdatamodels import pysmartdatamodels as sdm

subject = "dataModel.Weather"
dataModel = "WeatherForecast"
# Look for a data model name 
print("22 : ")
print(sdm.look_for_datamodel("WeatherFora", 84))
# retrieve the metadata, context, version, model tags, schema, yaml schema, title, description, $id, required, examples, adopters, contributors and sql export of a data model
print("23 : ")
print(sdm.list_datamodel_metadata(dataModel, subject))

Metadata of the catalogue available

Now in the tools menu (currently the last option) you have a complete list of the most relevant links to the assets of the data models compile in the Smart Data Models initiative.

You can check in the main menu -> Tools  -> Metadata of the data models

The information is coded in a json format and includes:


New scripts released

4 of the python scripts that are used to maintain the Smart Data models have been released.

Use them or study it at your own convenience. Glad to receive comments and improvements

Check them out here:

Joining the Metaverse Standards Forum

FIWARE Foundation has joined the “Metaverse Standards Forum” The Metaverse Standards Forum is a non-profit, member-funded consortium of standards-related organizations, companies, and institutions that are cooperating to foster interoperability for an open and inclusive metaverse.

The Smart Data Models initiative is willing to contribute to those standards with all its data models to enable its use in the metaverse.


New subject dataModel.ERA and 34 new data models Certificate, ContactLineSystem, ETCSLevel, Feature, FrenchTrainDetectionSystemLimitation, InfrastructureManager, InfrastructureObject, LineReference, LoadCapability, Manufacturer, MaximumMagneticField, MaximumSpeedAndCantDeficiency, MinAxleLoadVehicleCategory, NationalRailwayLine, NetElement, NetRelation, OperationalPoint, PhaseInfo, Platform, RaisedPantographsDistanceAndSpeed, SectionOfLine, Siding, Signal, SpecialArea, SpecialTunnelArea, SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics, SystemSeparationInfo, TopologicalObject, Track, TrainDetectionSystem, Tunnel, Vehicle, VehicleKeeper, VehicleType

The European Union Agency for Railways has published an ontology for Railways and it has been mapped into Smart Data Models. Unfortunately there are not official examples so we have to generate automatically.
There are 33 data models listed.

  • Certificate. (Missing description in the source)

  • ContactLineSystem. System that is used to transmit electrical energy to road or rail vehicles.

  • ETCSLevel. ERTMS / ETCS application level related to the track side equipment.

  • Feature. Class that encompasses the features that are part of the physical infrastructure (class InfrastructureObject) and the topological objects (class TopologicalObject). It is a subclass of the geographical Feature class that has a spatial representation.

  • FrenchTrainDetectionSystemLimitation. Specific for route compatibility check on French network. Sections with: -1 Tonnage circulated per track is inferior to 15000 tons/day/track -2 Directional Interlocking -3 45-second delay for directional interlocking -4 Installation with track circuit announcement -5 Absence of a shunting assistance pedal in the normal direction of circulation for non-reversible double track lines -6 Absence of a shunting assistance pedal regardless of the direction of traffic for single track lines and tracks for two way working -7 Absence of a pedal announcement mechanism -8 45-second delay for specific announcement reset devices

  • InfrastructureManager. The infrastructure manager owns and operates the railway network and related infrastructure.

  • InfrastructureObject. This class encompasses all those classes that represent features that are implemented in the European railway infrastructure. It is a subclass of the ERA Feature that has a spatial representation. It covers tracks, platforms, signals, tunnels, operational points, and sections of line. A feature that belongs to the infrastructure can be abstracted (hasAbstraction) as a topological object. It also is related to the infrastructure manager through the property infrastructureMgr.

  • LineReference. Railway location

  • LoadCapability. This class together with properties loadCapabilityLineCategory and loadCapabilitySpeed replaces the previous loadCapability SKOS property.

  • Manufacturer. A company or organization that manufactures vehicles.

  • MaximumMagneticField. The maximum magnetic field limits allowed for axle counters (in dBµA/m) for a defined frequency band. It should be provided in 3 directions.

  • MaximumSpeedAndCantDeficiency. Combination of maximum speed and maximum cant deficiency for which the vehicle was assessed.

  • MinAxleLoadVehicleCategory. Deprecated according to the ammendment to the Regulation (EU) 2019/777. Represents information that indicates the load given in tons depending of the category of vehicle. Its properties are minAxleLoadVehicleCategory and minAxleLoad.

  • NationalRailwayLine. Railway line within a member state.

  • NetElement. Base class for defining nodes in the connectivity graph representing the topological network.

  • NetRelation. Base class for defining edges in the connectivity graph representing the topological network.

  • OperationalPoint. An operational point (OP) means any location for train service operations, where train services may begin and end or change route, and where passenger or freight services may be provided; operational point also means any location at boundaries between Member States or infrastructure managers. In 2.1.2 Principal locations (stations, yards, junctions, freight terminals).

  • PhaseInfo. Indication of required several information on phase separation.

  • Platform. Platform for the purpose of RINF is understood as a platform edge. A platform concerns only the part of the structure neighbouring to the track (interfaced with trains).

  • RaisedPantographsDistanceAndSpeed. Indication of maximum number of raised pantographs per train allowed and minimum spacing centre line to centre line of adjacent pantograph heads, expressed in metres, at the given speed. Each track can have several raised pantographs per train allowed (structured) values, and each one has values for number of pantographs, minimum distance between pantographs, in metres, and speed considered in km/h.

  • SectionOfLine. A section of line means the part of line between adjacent operational points and may consist of several tracks. In 2.1.1 Line sections.

  • Siding. Sidings are all those tracks where running trains in service movements ends and which are not used for operational routing of a train.

  • Signal. A railway signal is an installation next to the railway track for signalling the maximum allowed speed in the next block section to the train driver. Definition RSM: Apparatus by means of which a conventional visual or acoustic indication is given, generally concerning the movements of railway vehicles.

  • SpecialArea. Encompasses all those areas or sections such as safe areas, restricted areas (non-stopping areas or industrial risk locations).

  • SpecialTunnelArea. Area or location within a tunnel where there is a walkway, evacuation and rescue points.

  • SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics. Subset of items shared by sections of lines and/or operational points of a member state. For the purposes of the register of infrastructure, each infrastructure manager shall describe its railway network at least by sections of line and operational points and optionally via common characteristic subsets.

  • SystemSeparationInfo. Indication of required several information on system separation.

  • TopologicalObject. Top level class for the the track network described as a topological node edge model

  • Track. A running track that is used for train service movements.

  • TrainDetectionSystem. System used to detect the position of vehicles in the railway track.

  • Tunnel. A railway tunnel is an excavation or a construction around the track provided to allow the railway to pass for example higher land, buildings or water.

  • Vehicle. A specific vehicle or wagon able to operate over railway lines.

  • VehicleKeeper. A company or organization that owns or operates a certain vehicle.

  • VehicleType. A vehicle type that has been authorized to operate on the EU railway infrastructure.



New pysmartdatamodels package 0.6.3 Release

We are thrilled to announce the latest update to pysmartdatamodels Python package, version 0.6.3, featuring a new function: generate_sql_schema()This addition enabling seamless generation of SQL schemas with just a few lines of code!

Introducing  generate_sql_schemqa() Function:

With the new function, generate_sql_schemqa()  pysmartdatamodels simplifies the process of creating SQL schemas for your data models by providing as input the model.yaml representation of a Smart Data Model.