Slides from the session in the Smart Fest about Smart Data Models

On January the 20th it was held a session about Smart data models and data spaces at FIWARE Smart Fest edition 2. The slides from the four speakers are attached here.

soon we will make available the video of the sessions

Thanks to the entities participating Open Connectivity Foundation (Bruno Johnson), Engineering (Manfredi Pistone) and IUDX (Rakshit Ramesh).


New subject and two new data models related to digital innovation hubs

Thanks to the contributors of Engineering there are two new data models for describing a digital innovation hub and its services.

  • DigitalInnovationHub. Digital Innovation Hubs are one-stop-shops that help companies to become more competitive with regard to their business/production processes.

  • DigitalInnovationHubService. Provision of insights and trends on markets to companies to stimulate their internal innovation.

FIRST Fiware Innovation Hub Collaboration (Fiware Zone & FIMAC) - FIWARE


Three new data models for the UnmannedAerialVehicle subject UnmannedAerialVehicleTMS, UnmannedAerialVehicleTMSFlightMessage, UnmannedAerialVehicleTMSFlightMessageAgent

3 new data models for the subject UnmannedAerialVehicle for the interchange of messages between different vehicles.

  • UnmannedAerialVehicleTMS. This entity contains a harmonized description of a specific Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Traffic Management Software Application that is designed to listen to and monitor the information transmitted by UAV’s, typically this software application would be operated at a ground station. This entity is primarily associated with UAV command and control applications.

  • UnmannedAerialVehicleTMSFlightMessage. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic UAV UTM Flight Message, which contains a Global UTM Association protocol message. This entity is primarily associated with the control and management of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Each UnmannedAerialVehicleTMSFlightMessage instance is related to a specific UAV instance.
  • UnmannedAerialVehicleTMSFlightMessageAgent. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic UAV UTM Flight Message Agent that is designed to subscribe to the Global UTM Association protocol message according to a specific UAV entity. This entity supports the functionality of a service provider to confirm the validity of UTM Flight Message generated by UTM Flight Message Entity. The service provider can include their own Flight Control Policy to the original UTM Flight Message and forward this to a UAVTMS entity.

Camera quadcopter in Ft Lee Park

Local @context now have existing URL

In the root of every subject in the Smart Data Models program there is a file named

context.jsonld (example from environment subject)

It compiles long IRI for every term in the subject (But for those which are general terms).

their URLs match this pattern “ ‘subject’  / term”

e.g.  “aqiMajorPollutant”: “

Now all of them are existing pages with basic information about the term.


Sculpture In Context 2004 7