Completed the mapping of DCAT-AP 2.0.1 standard into smart data models. DataServiceDCAT-AP

DCAT-AP is the standard for the publication of information in open data portals in the EU and other countries. Based on the 2.0.1 version these data models are mapping the data Service class.

In the subject datamodel.DCAT-AP there is one data model, dataServiceDCAT-AP for describing this class,

  • DataServiceDCAT-AP. Data Service adapted from DCAT-AP 2.0 specification but extended with additional properties and compatible with NGSI standard

The most important classes of the standard DCAT-AP 2.0.1 have been mapped into smart data models in the subject datamodel.DCAT-AP.


CatalogueRecordDCAT-AP data model published in DCAT-AP subject

DCAT-AP is the standard for the publication of information in open data portals in the EU and other countries. Based on the 2.0.1 version these data models are mapping the catalogue record class.

In the subject datamodel.DCAT-AP there is one data model, catalogueRecord for describing these classes,

  • CatalogueRecord. This is a Catalogue Record belonging to a dataset according to the DCAT-AP standard 2.0.1

The remaining classes are in progress in the incubated repository

Image of the full classes diagram

3 new data models in FrictionlessData subject CSVDialectFrictionlessData, DataResourceFrictionlessData and TableSchemaFrictionlessData

The adaptation of the frictionless data standard is completed with these three new data models in the datamodel.FrictionlessData subject

  • CSVDialectFrictionlessData. The CSV dialect descriptor. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data
  • DataResourceFrictionlessData. Data Resource. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data
  • TableSchemaFrictionlessData. A Table Schema for this resource, compliant with the Table Schema specification. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data

These data models can easy the integration with OpenSDG a tool for demonstrate the progress in terms of SDG for a region, large organization or country. Open SDG is an open source, free-to-reuse platform for managing and publishing data and statistics related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Open Session 16-8-21

  • New data model checker
    • Now also reports what properties are already being used in other data models and their definitions
  • Slack channel.
  • In progress
      1. Work with frictionless data accepted by authors
      2. Working regarding the adoption of Energy data models
      3. DDI-CDI integration with NGSI-LD and smart data model



IUDX one of the members of the Smart Data Models Steering board has contributed actively to the new data model in the Environment subject.

It is relevant the Time Series Aggregation (TSA) properties which allow storing the average of the parameter during a period, their maximum and minimum, and their instant value. It has been generalized and makes it available in the shared schema for the subject.

New features in the check of new data models

Now it is possible to check if the defined properties of a new model have already been used in other models.

Thus there are two new sections in the check of the data model:

  • alreadyUsedproperties
  • availableProperties

New Subject Frictionless Data

Frictionless data is a data format for sharing information.

This is the format used by the openSDG tool

for reporting indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

This subject, datamodel.FrictionlessData will map this standard allowing its use in the NGSI platforms like the FIWARE platform.

Integration with SDG is one of our public pending tasks.