New data model Patient for the new subject HL7 at Smart Health domain

There is a new subject Hl7 mapping this standard. Hl7 is one of the main standards related to health, it defines more than 140 data models for the management of health information.

The first data model is the Patient data model. In order to make it compatible with NGSI-LD some minor adjustments were necessary: 1) A limit in the recursive definition of data models has been applied (only 4 levels). 2) Change the ‘const’ clause in json schema by an enum of one value to make it compatible with YAML (open API 3.0). Regarding the recursive definition of attributes, we expect that it would be more than enough for most of the practical applications. There are another 140 data models in the queue and we hope that soon they will be available.

See it in the at subject Hl7 in the Smart Health domain.

  • Patient. Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services.

logo fhir


Release the script for subjects’ context consolidation.

The utils directory at the data models compiles some scripts we use internally.

Now you have available a script for consolidating several @contexts from several subjects.

It is the script called by the main menu options Home->tools -> Subjects’ @context merger

the help of the script

# This file takes several @contexts and merges them creating two files
# context.jsonld with the elements successfully merged
# and conflicts.json that shows those attributes clashing.
# clashing in conflicts file has to be solved manually
# INPUT PARAMETERS (merge_subjects_context.json, outputToFile)
# parameter merge_subjects_context.json
# it is the full path to a file where the path to the @contexts will be located
# See an example of the file below
# If not provided it merges all subjects in the smart data models program
# {
# “dataModel.Weather”: “”,
# “dataModel.Battery”: “”,
# “dataModel.Building”: “”,
# “dataModel.Device”: “”,
# }
# parameter ouputToFile
# when True it outputs two files conflicts.json and context.jsonld
# conflicts.json stores the conflict in the name of attributes (to be solved manually)
# context.jsonld has the attribute name and the Smart Data Models local IRI

New data model ResourceReportForecast mapped from OSLO ontology

There is 1 new data model coming from the collaboration with the GreenMov project. This is a mapping of the OSLO ontology for Personal transport hubs

They are located at the OSLO subject.

  • Resource ReportForecast. Resource Report Forecast Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification. A summary of the expectations of the resources connected to mobility services based on defined filters by the person requesting the report.

Vista aérea de las colas de acceso a Gibraltar (9460862160) (5)

Year of contribution at the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml

All the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml files across all subjects have been extended with a new attribute year. This year means the year of the contribution.
It will help us to give recognition to the contributors.
By default, it has been set to 2022 (it was much work to find out when the last contribution was submitted for each one of the several contributors across the 60 subjects).

It has been also changed in the template of the CONTRIBUTORS file in the templates folder.

Resource report data model mapped from OSLO ontology at GreenMov project

There is 1 new data model coming from the collaboration with the GreenMov project. This is a mapping of the OSLO ontology for Personal transport hubs

They are located at the OSLO subject.

  • Resource Report. Resource Report Schema meeting Passenger Transport Hubs AP Schema specification. A summary of resources connected to mobility services based on defined filters by the person requesting the report.

Vista aérea de las colas de acceso a Gibraltar (9460862160) (5)

Contributors: Updated the service for checking your schema

In order to create a new data model or to update an existing one, Check your schema before contributing it, to check the schema on the front page.

The service has been updated to check not only the attributes of the payload but also the schema metadata (schema version, license, derivedFrom, title, description) so it will be easier to complete it before submission.

The code is available at the directory utils in the data-model repository.

Presentations of the Smart Data Models session at FIWARE summit

Here you can have the presentation of the people presenting at the Smart Data Models session of the FIWARE summit.

1.- Fernando Lopez (FIWARE Foundation) SDMX towards context information: achieving interoperability
2.- David Garcia (NTT Data) Public resources monitoring and management through innovative solutions based on extension of smart data models
3.- Mannix manglani (Mannixonline) TOURISM DATA MODELS
4.- Alberto Abella (FIWARE Foundation) Water data models
5.- Antonino Sirchia (Engineering) How FIWARE and Smart Data Models can make a City resilient on Flooding Risks
6.- Romain Magnani (EGM) The NGSI-LD data lab: an engaging interface for building NGSI-LD data configuration
7.- Clara Pezuela (ATOS) GreenMov: Green and smart mobility services
8.- Andrea Cruciani.(FIWARE SmartAgriFood MSC ) Agrigateway
9.- Hugo Miguel Serra (Deloitte) Smart Buildings data models

Training on Smart Data models

Tomorrow at day 0 of the FIWARE summit there will be a training session about Smart Data Models.
Slides are freely shared here

This training will be delivered face to face.

  • Intro:
    • Board and what is Smart Data Models Program
    • Current Status
    • Contributos and dissemintions
  • Agile standardization
    • Current standardization status
    • M.A.S.: Manifesto for agile standardizationç
    • Standardization in a digital market
  • Data model contents
    • Contents of a data model
    • Schema: review
    • Additional documents: examples, contributors, adopters, notes*
    • Generated documents: model.yaml, examples, README, context
  • Data Model creation
    • Incubated repository.
    • From csv, json or open data portals
    • Tests
  • Data Model moderation
    • Data model moderation
  • Future
    • pysmartdatamodels
    • New services. Integration
    • New data models. Mapping of standardizations
    • Other services for the contributors