New Subject dataModel.RiskManagement

A new subject has been created in the CrossSector domain. dataModel.RiskManagement compiles data models for generic risk management. Candidate data models are being developed in the incubated repository .  Soon it will be populated with these data models: Asset, CyberAnalysis, Exposure, GISData, Hazard, Measure, Mitigation, NetworkServiceAlert, Risk, Vulnerability.     More…

Summary of open session 2012-05-24

Find here the presentation of the open session 20210517-OPEN-SESSION-SMART-DATA-MODELS To join these sessions connect to (direct link to the online session) To include your topic as a slot in the session, edit these slides 2021-05-24 Topics: New and updated data models New regulations to be adopted Risk management… More…

Data model README improvement

The of every data model provides the links to the different translations of the specification. These sentences are now in their original languages. Additionally, these links now take to the specification in GitHub and stop prompting to be downloaded. Other information available in the README include: Links to the… More…

Extended the device model

A new property dateObserved has been added to the device data model allowing the use of a customized data attached to any observation of the device payload. Also included the property mcc (mobile country code). Device Subject comprises these data models: Device. An apparatus (hardware + software + firmware) intended… More…

New subject RoboticIndustrialActivities an new data models Piece, Pallet, RoboticArm, RoboticCell and VacuumPump

There is a new subject, dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities, in the Smart Robotics domain for compiling data models related to industrial activities with robots. it currently compiles these data models. Pallet. A pallet containing pieces for manufacturing. Piece. A Piece to be manufactured. RobotArm. A robotic arm for moving pieces. RoboticCell. A Robotic… More…

Update the specs

Many of the contributors of the data models are providing changes into the and its translations. Fortunately, this is not necessary. You just need to provide the changes in the descriptions included in the schema.json file of each data model. Now in order to save time for the contributors,… More…

Open Session about Smart Data Models. Monday 14:00

Every week till there will be a 30 min live session to : Make questions about any of the data models Sharing experiences (maximum 5 minutes) The agenda for the first 5-minutes slots is this. The 3 Introduction of the Smart Data Models Updates of the week (new services and… More…

Versioning active

Currently, all data models have been versioned to the 0.0.1. Once the policy for the @context will be in place there will jump to version 1.0.0. This version can be checked at the beginning of the json schema in the $schemaVersion key. The versioning policy is defined in this document… More…

New Subject dataModel.WifiNetwork and two new data models AccessPoint and WifiPointOfInterest

The subject dataModel.WifiNetwork is being created and two new data models in it. These two are focused on the availability of wifi in a Smart city. Coming from the Smart city of Valencia in Spain AccessPoint. This entity describes an Access Point which is a networking hardware that generates a… More…