5 new data models for the robotics domain

In the subject datamodel.AutonomousMobileRobots there is 5 new data models for managing the messages interchange with Atunomouse mobile robots. CommandMessage. Command message CommandReturnMessage. Command return message StateMessage. State message StopCommandMessage. Stop Command message StopCommandReturnMessage. Stop Command Return Message More…

New projects incubated list

When creating a new data model is good to collaborate. In the Smart Data Models Program you can announce you’re in the process of creating a new data model by pressing the green button on the front page It will take you to a form where you can announce the… More…

New tool for simplified creation of a data model

The creation of a data model requires two mandatory files, one example and a JSON schema containing the definitions and data types of the elements in the entity. However, the JSON schema creation could be somehow demanding. The new tool opens the door for people with only basic knowledge of… More…

Agreement with the Open Connectivity Foundation. New Subject and 69 new data models

Thanks to the agreement with the open connectivity foundation their data models will be mapped into Smart Data Models. The first group of 69 data models has been published in a specific subject dataModels.OCF and the data models are listed there. The data models are related to sensors and other… More…