New Observation data model at the new subject SDMX

SDMX is a standard for the codification of statistical information. Retrieving these types of data and inserting them in systems based on JSON/JSON-LD is a tough task performed by the project Interstat. Thanks to its collaboration we have a new subject, dataModel.SDMX where these data models for mapping this standard… More…

New database of data models’ versions

In the main menu, it has been extended the submenu of list data models with a complete database of all versions of the data models. It includes not only the data model, subject, and version but also the data directly linked to the raw version of the data model. You… More…

Release source code for some of the services. For python developers.

In the tools option of the main menu, there are a few services to help you to use, create and debug your data models. Although working, some of these services are limited. We are releasing the code for some of the services to allow you to contribute with improvments. It… More…

List of Adopters (use cases) and contributors available at Community menu

On the front page under the Community menu, there are two new entries – Adopters: Lists the use cases documented in the different data models. It includes searchable facilities. It contains these fields:  adopter, description, mail, organization, project, comments, start date, subject and data model. If you want to be… More…

New information customized for the different profiles

In the documentation menu (Home -> documentation -> Basic info for:), there are now 4 new options to provide you with the basic information depending on your profile User. For those visitors with limited knowledge about what are the Smart Data Models Contributor. For those visitors willing to extend or… More…