New service: Generate a NGSI-LD payload keyvalues format compliant with a Smart Data Model

There is a new service for users, which is the ability to generate an example payload compliant with a specific data model in key values format. Previously it was available the normalized format.

Options are located in the main menu (Generate NGSI examples)

Update of the contribution manual. Process image

We have drafted the publication process for new data models and for updates.

It’s the first page of the contribution manual and every box (not in this image) has links to the tools/resources to be used.

Hopefully, it will be more straightforward to be understood.

Comments welcomed

New widget for searching data models

In the right column of the front page, there is a new feature for look for data models


once type ‘light’ it looks like in the right


Every entry is an hyperlink


Shortcut to go or search your data model

The list of data models has been completely changed.

Step 1: write part of the name of data model or repository

Step 2: The table filter the options

Step 3: Click on the name and it takes you directly to the github location you need.

4 new data models for WasteWater

4 new data models for datamodel.wasteWater Subject

  • Blower. This entity contains a harmonized description of a Blower made for the Wastewater treatment domain. The entity represents a Blower that is used for aeration purposes in the wastewater treatment process. Important parameters are measured to regulate and measure the amount of airflow is being provided to the aeration tank in the bioreactor. The energy consumption of a blower is also important information for real-time control and optimization of the wastewater treatment plant.
  • OffGasStack. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Off-gas Stack made for the Wastewater treatment domain. This entity represents stacks that are present in some wastewater treatment plants where the emissions, greenhouse gases included, are emitted.
  • WasteWaterJunction. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Junction made for the Wastewater treatment domain. Junctions could be in place in certain sections of the treatment plant. For wastewater treatment purposes, the junction is most useful if it is a location of a sensor that measures a specific variable.
  • WasteWaterTank. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Tank made for the Wastewater treatment domain. For a given type of tank, all possible variables that can be measured are listed as properties. In the description property, the type of tank (anaerobic, pre-dinitrification, nitrification, etc.)can be defined.

Don’t to these section in the contribution manual

In order to reduce the work for the contributors of the new data models, there is a new section on the contribution manual title ‘don’t do these’ with recommendations for the most common poor practices in the contribution process.

Although all contributions are welcomed it will save everybody’s time by reading this section once.

Additionally, the section can be improved so you can submit your recommendations/lessons learned here.

Contribution checklist

There is a new option in the main menu Data Models -> Contribution Checklist

It is strongly recommended to pass every element before submitting your new data model.

See below the checklist







    Optional documents





    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    New NGSI linked data generator for every data model

    Now the README file of every data model includes a link to the generator of NGSI-LD payloads compliant with the data model.

    As you can see in the image below there is a new section “Dynamic examples generation

    There is the sentence “Link to the Generator of NGSI-LD payloads compliant with this data model. Refresh for new values”. By clicking the Generator link an example of payload appears on the web page. Refreshing (F5) generates new payloads.