Now there is a specification translated into German available for all data models in the initiative. so it becomes official like French one and Spanish.
The translation is made automatically but it seems to be good enough.
Now there is a specification translated into German available for all data models in the initiative. so it becomes official like French one and Spanish.
The translation is made automatically but it seems to be good enough.
Smart Data Models. Report and Open Session
03/03/2025 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Monthly meeting of Smart data models program to report and collect general feedback from users.
For specific questions use the booking service of support
** Update
** First draft NeMoBil data model
** Contributing vineyard to wine traceability data models for incubation
** added examples and needed files for all resource types of HL7/FHIR-R4
** INCODE data models update - second round of validation
** Update Schema: Replace ResultDescription with Analytics
** Extend schemas for Dataset and DataService from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0
** Update
** First draft NeMoBil data model
** Contributing vineyard to wine traceability data models for incubation
** added examples and needed files for all resource types of HL7/FHIR-R4
** INCODE data models update - second round of validation
** Update Schema: Replace ResultDescription with Analytics
** Extend schemas for Dataset and DataService from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0