Data model README improvement

The of every data model provides the links to the different translations of the specification. These sentences are now in their original languages.

Additionally, these links now take to the specification in GitHub and stop prompting to be downloaded.

Other information available in the README include:

  1. Links to the automatic creation of examples in NGSI-LD format
  2. Links to the actual examples of the use of this data model in 4 differnt formats

This format update will be completed today for all data models.

If you can think of other improvements please let us know.

Extended the device model

A new property dateObserved has been added to the device data model allowing the use of a customized data attached to any observation of the device payload. Also included the property mcc (mobile country code).

Device Subject comprises these data models:

  • Device. An apparatus (hardware + software + firmware) intended to accomplish a particular task (sensing the environment, actuating, etc.).
  • DeviceModel. This entity captures the static properties of a Device.
  • PrivacyObject. Information about privacy for an IoT device
  • SmartMeteringObservation. This entity contains a harmonised description of a Smart Meter Observation, generally applicable for Smart Homes, Industry, Cities and Agriculture. It is based mostly in the GSMA entity definition but it is extended


New subject RoboticIndustrialActivities an new data models Piece, Pallet, RoboticArm, RoboticCell and VacuumPump

There is a new subject, dataModel.RoboticIndustrialActivities, in the Smart Robotics domain for compiling data models related to industrial activities with robots. it currently compiles these data models.

Thanks to the contributors of the DIH2 project.

Update the specs

Many of the contributors of the data models are providing changes into the and its translations.

Fortunately, this is not necessary. You just need to provide the changes in the descriptions included in the schema.json file of each data model.

Now in order to save time for the contributors, a warning message has been included in the specs.

The link takes you to the contribution manual section where the specification is described.


Open Session about Smart Data Models. Monday 14:00

Every week till there will be a 30 min live session to :

  • Make questions about any of the data models
  • Sharing experiences (maximum 5 minutes)

The agenda for the first 5-minutes slots is this. The 3

  • Introduction of the Smart Data Models
    Updates of the week (new services and new/updated data models). Survey.
    Regulations / standards to be mapped to smart data models

Direct link to the session minutes. You can book your 5 minutes slot there

First call here.

Open Session. Smart Data Models
Monday, May 17 · 14:00 – 14:30
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(ES) +34 872 55 91 43‬ PIN: ‪709 176 120‬#
More phone numbers:

New Subject dataModel.WifiNetwork and two new data models AccessPoint and WifiPointOfInterest

The subject dataModel.WifiNetwork is being created and two new data models in it. These two are focused on the availability of wifi in a Smart city.

Coming from the Smart city of Valencia in Spain

  • AccessPoint. This entity describes an Access Point which is a networking hardware that generates a wireless network and allows other Wi-Fi devices to connect to it
  • WifiPointOfInterest. This entity describes a Point of Interest that has a wireless network

See the contributors file.


New subject dataModels.MachineLearning and 3 data models

There is a new subject dataModel.MachineLearning and three data models.

  • MLModel. Data model for compilation of the elements of a machine learning model.
  • MLProcessing. Data model for compilation of the elements about the execution of a machine learning model.
  • SubscriptionQuery. Subscription Query model for Machine Learning models

They are located on the CrossSector domain.

Thanks to the FIWARE4Water project.