Release the script for subjects’ context consolidation.

The utils directory at the data models compiles some scripts we use internally.

Now you have available a script for consolidating several @contexts from several subjects.

It is the script called by the main menu options Home->tools -> Subjects’ @context merger

the help of the script

# This file takes several @contexts and merges them creating two files
# context.jsonld with the elements successfully merged
# and conflicts.json that shows those attributes clashing.
# clashing in conflicts file has to be solved manually
# INPUT PARAMETERS (merge_subjects_context.json, outputToFile)
# parameter merge_subjects_context.json
# it is the full path to a file where the path to the @contexts will be located
# See an example of the file below
# If not provided it merges all subjects in the smart data models program
# {
# “dataModel.Weather”: “”,
# “dataModel.Battery”: “”,
# “dataModel.Building”: “”,
# “dataModel.Device”: “”,
# }
# parameter ouputToFile
# when True it outputs two files conflicts.json and context.jsonld
# conflicts.json stores the conflict in the name of attributes (to be solved manually)
# context.jsonld has the attribute name and the Smart Data Models local IRI

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