Minor update on guidelines

Included two new sections on the guidelines for the Smart Data Models $ref Whenever possible they will be absolute references in order to provide the ability to use the data models isolated from the rest of documents and definitions The section definitions will be included in the subject-schema.json name of… More…

Converted Global Data dictionary codes

What is Global Data Dictionary The GS1 Global Data Dictionary (GDD) is a repository of the data elements defined across all GS1 Standards. What is the scope of the Global Data Dictionary? GS1 Business Message Standards (BMS) and their components with definitions for GDSN 3.1, 3.1.2 , 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, GS1… More…

Working with https and improvement in the issue form

1.- It is just a technical improvement but now you can access everything in this site with https://data-models.fiware.org. 2.- The issue form has also been improved with new options but simplified structure. Check it out and please report any issue. Best More…

New version of contributors file

Every subject had a file named CONTRIBUTORS.md which compiles all contributors to the different data models in this subject. However, from the point of view of the management, it was not a structured format. Due to this, it is going to be replaced with a new file named CONTRIBUTORS.yaml with… More…