Check a schema validates a payload

If you want to check if a schema validates a payload  through this API call Call: Parameters: (Mandatories) payloadUrl: The url of the payload in RAW version schemaUrl: The link to the RAW version of the json schema (see example) Example: Output: A json payload with these properties… More…

updated the contribution manual

The contribution manual (link in the upper menu of main page) is updated due to the change in the approach for documenting the data models. Main changes: Properties’ definitions are now included as an attribute in the json schema The specification is generated automatically based on the json schema Json… More…

Create automatically the specification of your data model

The new version of the smart data models specification is on progress (most of the /doc directories of the data models have a version). If you want to check how this would look like you can have through this API call Call: Parameters: (Mandatories) dataModel: The name of the… More…

Data Models Contribution API

The schemas to be accepted in the Smart Data Model initiative need to include a description for every property. In order to review your data models before submission, it should pass this test. Call: Parameters: (Mandatories) schemaUrl: The link to the RAW version of the schema (see example) mail:… More…