Update of the contribution manual. Process image

We have drafted the publication process for new data models and for updates. It’s the first page of the contribution manual and every box (not in this image) has links to the tools/resources to be used. Hopefully, it will be more straightforward to be understood. Comments welcomed More…

New Data model Smart Metering Observation

A new data model for the device subject capable of allocating payloads of power consumption. In the subject datamodel.Device. SmartMeteringObservation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a Smart Meter Observation, generally applicable for Smart Homes, Industry, Cities, and Agriculture. It is based mostly on the GSMA entity definition but… More…

Shortcut to go or search your data model

The list of data models has been completely changed. Step 1: write part of the name of data model or repository Step 2: The table filter the options Step 3: Click on the name and it takes you directly to the github location you need. More…

Don’t to these section in the contribution manual

In order to reduce the work for the contributors of the new data models, there is a new section on the contribution manual title ‘don’t do these’ with recommendations for the most common poor practices in the contribution process. Although all contributions are welcomed it will save everybody’s time by… More…