7 data models in the SAREF4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2. Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle. FlowInstrument. A flow instrument reads and displays the… More…

5 new data models mapped from SAREF4BLDG ontology

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2. Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle. EvaporativeCooler. An evaporative cooler is a device that… More…

Smart Data Models Session at FIWARE summit

Next 12th of June 17:00 we will have a 1 hour session during the FIWARE summit in Vienna. The session will be a group of short presentations (<12 min) about actual use cases using Smart Data Models. Fill out the form if you are willing to participate as a speaker More…

9 new data models mapped from Saref for buildings

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2. Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle. Building. A building represents a structure that provides… More…

Entities have their own pages

In the context.jsonld of every subject there are long IRI for every first-level attribute and for the names of the entities. See this example. formerly the link of the attributes took you to an existing web page while the links of the entities take you nowhere. Strictly there is not… More…

5 new data models from SAREF4Buildings

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2. Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle. AudioVisualAppliance. An audio-visual appliance is a device that… More…

MasterSheet for submission of simple data models

We have released a master sheet that simplifies the contribution to the smart data models. It uploads the data model to a new repository called drafted. The video help is also available Steps for using the spreadsheet 0.- Make a local copy in your google account and grant permission the… More…