New data models of the Smart Water domain, Spillway, OpenChannelFlowRegulation and RegulationStructureSimulation

In the subject OpenChannelManagement of the Smart Water domain there are 3 new data models available.

[[File:Semi-circular artificial water channel.png|Semi-circular_artificial_water_channel]] It is located at dataModel.OpenChannelManagement subject.

  • OpenChannelFlowRegulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic simulation of a series of independent regulation structures to establish specific flow conditions in the conveyance system. It is made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • RegulationStructureSimulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a data model for regulation structure simulation, for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • Spillway. This entity contains a harmonized description for a generic Spillway made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. Spillway represents a junction-type object, controlling the release of water from a dam or regulation structure downstream.
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