Export of the full database of attributes

At home -> Search -> json export of attributes database of smart data models  is the full database of attributes (more than 18000), see the statistics page as an array of JSON objects.

Fields for each attribute

_id: identifier of the item

property: the name of the attribute

dataModel: the data model this attribute is present

repoName: the subject this data model belongs to

description: the description of the attribute

typeNGSI: Whether it is a property, Geoproperty, or relationship

modelTags: inherited from the data model tags

license: link to the license for the data model

schemaVersion: version of the data model

type: data type

model: when available the reference model for the attribute

units: when available the recommended units for the attribute

format: either date, or time, or date-time, or URI, etc the format of the attribute

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