New service: Export you data models to SQL schema

We provide a service to Generate a PostgreSQL schema SQL script from the model.yaml representation of a Smart Data Model.

You can access this service under this link following Tools > SQL service.

You need to provide as input the standard GitHub link to the model.yaml file or the raw version GitHub link.

Update: Generate the schema out of your payload

We provide a service to generate JSON schemas from the example payloads you provide. This service is designed to assist contributors who may have limited experience with JSON schemas but with actual examples. You can access the service through this link.

We are pleased to announce that we have made some updates to this service::

  • Added support for generating sub-property descriptions
  • Fixed the bug of duplicated property generation

Please feel free to try it out and leave your comments on

New Sections in README

We have introduced several new sections in the for all the smart data models that we’ve published

These are:

  • Links to CSV extensions of example payloads
  • Links to SQL schema
  • Services we designed to help self-contribution

Such as in the data model WeatherForecast:

Hope you find it useful and feel free to make your comments on

DCAT-AP catalogue service in beta version

DCAT-AP is, possibly, the most relevant standard of a catalogue of datasets (even resources as well). A data spaces’ data models’ building block needs a semantic catalogue of resources in DCAT-AP format.

Here you have the beta version of a service providing a DCAT-AP catalogue containing all semantic resources of Smart Data Models.

You just connect to this URL and you can get it. It will be updated once a day and whenever a data model is published.

You can also reach it at home -> tools -> DCAT-AP catalog (last option)

As long as the catalogue and its structure can be enriched I’d like to hear from you any comments / additions and critics you wish / need at

So you can enrich it before the official release

New Version of the Python Package pysmartdatamodels 0.6.1

There is a new version of the python package for pysmartdatamodels 0.6.1.

This python package includes all the data models and several functions to use them in your developments.


– Two updated functions

  • New extension for function update_broker() to allow updating nonexistent attribute into broker
  • Function validate_data_model_schema(), with wider range of validation

– Minor changes on providing links of repository, issues, updating on latest statistics, etc.

Get more details on the pypi page and feel free to try it out!

Vote for the new SQL service (Just two questions)

We are very close to launch a new service and we want to have your feedback on how to create this service.

So we made a Survey and you can help us by submitting your preference.

    This is a survey about the type of service that we want to create for the users of the Smart Data Models that generates a PostgreSQL schema SQL script.

    2. We would like to propose the following ways to interact with the service, choose one of these approaches :

    If you want us to discuss the suggestion fill your email here otherwise please leave it empty

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    Thank you!

    New version of the contribution manual

    The contribution manual has minor updates frequently, but now we have created a brand new version

    Restructuring the contents

    – Including explanation on how to use the test service for new data models

    – Making more understandable the contribution workflow

    Guidelines for contributing

    – The list of support channels, including the new on discord

    – Move to the annex the slides for the automatic documents generated on the publication process

    and helping to make more understandable to those users recently joining the Smart Data Models initiative.

    As always the shortcut to reach it works:

    But you can also find a direct link in these locations

    Upper menu -> Contribution manual (7th option)

    Main menu -> documentation -> Contribution manual (5th option in the drop down menu)

    Feel free to make your comments on or as comments in the manual.


    Released the script for generating the specifications (new version)

    The new version of the script for generating the specifications has been released in the directory utils of the umbrella repository data-models.

    It allows the creation of the markdown specifications out of the json schema in multiple languages. If you have an account of DeepL API you can make the translations automatically.

    Thanks to Konstantinos Gompakis from for this suggestion on others.

    Extension of the Smart Data Models

    Hopefully you have unnoticed about several structural changes this weekend that has happen at SDM.

    Database of attributes,

    Now there are several additional information included.

    — A unique id for every attribute of a version of a data model (i.e.

    — The link to the parent’s attribute (whenever there is a parent) context link (i.e.

    — The unique id of the parent attribute (whenever there is a parent) (i.e.

    — The @context link of the attributes pointing to an existing web page with some details about the attribute (i.e.


    Now the second level of attributes is available in the specification document for all the languages (i.e.

    Context file

    Now the second and subsequent levels of the attributes have URI entries in the @context included in the file context.jsonld file in every subject (i.e.

    The URI of the data models points to a existing web page (i.e.

    Besides this we welcome a new member of the SDM team, Rihab Feki.

    questions/suggestions to

    New data models TouristRental and ConsumptionBehaviour

    There are two new data models in the subject tourist destinations, TouristRental and ConsumptionBehaviour.

    These data models are contributed thanks to the project I4trust for data spaces and the group Tourilab.

    • ConsumptionBehaviour. This model is designed to record and track the consumption of various resources such as electricity, diesel, and water over a specified period.
    • TouristRental. A rental of a facility from a tourist

    Vacation Rental in Atenas Costa Rica