Automatic creation of examples

In order to reduce the amount of work in the contribution of data models, we have a script that generates the key-values format of a normalized NGSI LD payload.
It has been operated on 46 data models currently in the repository.

In a close future instead of submitting 4 examples, it will be only necessary to include 2 examples, the normalized payloads for NGSI v2 and NGSI LD (the other two would be generated automatically).

Making examples more consistent

All the repositories have been normalized in the naming of the core examples. So:

  • Key values in NGSI v2 is named example.json
  • Key values in NGSI LD is named example.jsonld
  • Normalized (default) in NGSI v2 is named example-normalized.json
  • Normalized (default) in NGSI LD is named example-normalized.jsonld

It is possible to have more examples in the directory. And in the same directory of every data model, there are other exports (csv) for the use of the data model users.
The goal is that this 4 examples were present in every data model

Automated README for Subjects

As promised the at Subject level explaining the different data models is automated, and therefore there is no need to be contributed by the contributors. See an example here for the weather subject

Thus, the is based on the data models and their descriptions, linking to the current contributors

Soon the for the domain will be also automated.


Automated for data models

Currently, the at data models level (inside every directory in a Subject) explaining the contents of the data models is automated, and therefore there is no need to be contributed by the contributors. See an example here for the weather forecast.

Thus, the is based on the examples provided, the specification and the model.yaml.

Soon the for the Subject will be also automated.

IUDX joins the steering board of Smart Data Models initiative

IUDX joins the steering board of Smart Data Models initiative. This agreement will allow FIWARE and the IUDX to collaborate on data models suitable for use in smart city applications. This work will be done in conjunction with the ongoing joint activity between TM Forum — an alliance of 850+ global companies working together to break down technology and cultural barriers between digital service providers, technology suppliers, consultancies and systems integrators — and FIWARE.