There is a new data model in the subject water quality, sludgequalityobserved.
Thanks to the project B-WaterSmart
- SludgeQualityObserved. Sludge Quality data model is intended to represent sludge quality parameters.
There is a new data model in the subject water quality, sludgequalityobserved.
Thanks to the project B-WaterSmart
There is a new version of the python package for pysmartdatamodels 0.6.0.
This python package includes all the data models and several functions to use them in your developments.
– Four new functions
– Acknowledgement session has been added into the README.
Get more details on the pypi page and feel free to try it out!
We are considering to officially provide an attestation of your contributions to SDM.
Before launching it officially we have created a drafted document for those contributors with a valid mail and name (there are people who do not want to disclose their contribution).
Accordingly, if you browse the database of contributors you will see a new column with the heading attestation and a download draft link.
By clicking on that link you can download the draft version of an attestation of your contribution.
We’ll be glad to receive your feedback on this initiative and the format and content of the attestation in the address.
You can see an example below
Now you can see in the right widget a new entry with the link for our channel on discord #smart-data-models, you can also send your question there. (But only once you have joined by using this invitation )
If you need help on discord channel you can browse this link.
We have released two very simple programs to create an entity in a context broker and for removing an entity based on its id.
Although this is pretty straight forward, being coded in PHP allows you to integrate with, in example, in a WordPress site.
In fact these programs are working in the test Orion-LD broker option, located here at home -> tools -> test Orion-LD broker
The source code is available at the utils directory and the data-models umbrella repository
In the tools menu there is a new option “Test Orion-LD broker“.
In this address https://smartdatamodels:1026 there is an Orion-LD Broker installed open for testing purposes. You can check
It is wiped out every hour, on minute 27, and then repopulated with some hundreds of examples (most of the current examples in data models).
Some examples of queries:
Here there are the slides of the presentation of Smart model right-sizing for Alert Management in water distribution networks past FIWARE summit held at Vienna.
It is about some projects like AQUA3S and Lotus.
Here you can find the slides presented during FIWARE summit.
they are about the merge of MELODA and FAIR principles for the waterverse project.
Here there are the slides of the SALTED project presented at the session on SDM during past FIWARE summit held at Vienna.
It deals with data enrichment and how to merge heterogeneous data sources.
In these links you can find the two presentations of the training camp held during past week FIWARE summit.