Now it is based on a responsive interface with these options:
- Sort any column
- Search on any value across the different columns
- 50-pages pagination
Now it is based on a responsive interface with these options:
In order to create a new data model is always interesting what others have done in order copy and to maintain interoperability.
That’s why we have available a database with all attributes and enumerations across all data models.
Now it’s updated daily and the number of occurrences is also available.
We are testing a potential new format for the specification that
1) makes easier for people to read the specification
2) provides additional utility to be connected with other platforms making NGSI more compatible
Could you check these two new specifications Building, BuildingOperation compared with the old two Building, BuildingOperation and gives us your opinion?
(once in, click on the name of the object for deploying all the content)
[cf7form cf7key=”new-specification-format”]The actual new specs are here without viewer (building, building operation) what you see above is generated automatically from the yaml specs.
What’s the idea behind adopting yaml specifications? To allow multiple evolutions (automatic multilanguage spec, integration with other platforms, etc)
In the pending repository (the place where the data models can be developed if you wish) there is an interesting working going on about sensoring related to water management.
In development is :
– A data model for the actuator
– A data model for the service which is related to the actuator
– Modifications of the device data model
– A data model for a gateway gathering the data of a group of sensors
They are in the very early stages (so not that much is being contributed).
These contributions are based on the works of the EU project FIWARE4WATERÂ in its group of IoT data models. You can contact them here.
Some of the contributors have requested some help about creating new data models. How to do it and where to do it.
1) If you are clear about the payloads that you want to share (you have a plain key values json payload)
2) You can use this tool (This link is always available in the Learning Zone on the upper menu, section tools)
to generate a draft version of the json schema. You will have to review (for sure).
– Whether you need some restrictions (min, max) on number properties
– The number of required properties
– The full list of options in enumeration properties
– Remove the context (it is treated as property)
– Check the Arrays (minItems, etc)
and possibly some other minor issues
3) We offer an open repository named pending for you to contribute while developing. Ask for access raising an issue with the option ‘Access to pending repository’
Every day will be checked the documentation available for each data model and the result is dumped in the file documentationStatus.json
It would help a user to identify all the documentation, examples, schemas and specification available and it allows an automated use for any other purpose.
Check it out.
There is a new widget on the front page titled “Open PR and issues” there you can browse all the Pull requests contributed by the community and the open issues across all the data models.
Updated every 5 minutes
This way you can be informed about evolution going on and to make sure that all contributions are considered.
There are 4 new data models under review at incubated folder
BuildingType |
DeviceOperation |
FleetVehicleOperation |
FleetVehicleStatus |
They will have to be adapted to the guidelines and to the manual of single data code
Additionally, there are new contributions to water Network management
It also has been submitted a new data model for water observation. Soon to be assessed and shared.
IUDX joins the steering board of Smart Data Models initiative. This agreement will allow FIWARE and the IUDX to collaborate on data models suitable for use in smart city applications. This work will be done in conjunction with the ongoing joint activity between TM Forum — an alliance of 850+ global companies working together to break down technology and cultural barriers between digital service providers, technology suppliers, consultancies and systems integrators — and FIWARE.