5 New data models for Smart Water domain. OpenChannelManagement Subject

In the subject OpenChannelManagement of the Smart Water domain, there are 3 new data models available.

[[File:Semi-circular artificial water channel.png|Semi-circular_artificial_water_channel]] It is located at dataModel.OpenChannelManagement subject.

  • OpenChannelCurve. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic curve made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • OpenChannelJunction. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Junction made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. A Junction defines a location where the characteristics of the channel change, two or more channels come together or split apart, amounts of water are abstracted or inserted into the system etc.
  • OpenChannelSystem. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic system made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. This entity represents either a system composed of different components (e.g., channels, junctions, cross-sections etc.) or just a component (e.g., a SluiceGate).
  • RegulationStructure. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Regulation Structure made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. Regulation structure represents a junction-type object, controlling the water flow in the raw-water system.
  • RegulationStructureSimulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a data model for regulation structure simulation, for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • SluiceGate. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Sluice Gate made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.

Local context available in all subjects

We the middle of a reorganization of the @context resources.

Our first priority is to not touch the @context that is currently available. We grant you we keep it.

Why is this new option being created?, because otherwise is not possible to solve the conflicts in the IRI when we have attributes with the same ‘name’ but with different meanings. Consequently, their long IRIs (for use in NGSI-LD) need to be different.


The first step is the creation of a local context.jsonld in the root of every subject. It has been made available today.

You can see an example of this local @context for the subject weather.

The long IRI has the format  (predictable):

“https://smartdatamodels.org/” +  subject name + “/” + attribute name

Ej. “precipitation”: “https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/precipitation”,

Soon there will be pages on that IRI (they are in fact URL) with some info about the attribute you could use for any purpose.


1) In the coming future, you will be able to use the local IRI from the Smart Data Models program or commonly used ontologies and vocabularies.

2) A core of attributes will be kept common for many data models e.g. name, description, alternateName, location, address, etc. They will have IRI in the format

“https://smartdatamodels.org/” + attribute name

currently we already have these IRI but there will be also a translator for the properties in the format

“https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Weather/category”: “https://smartdatamodels.org/category”,

3) Additionally,  the Smart Data Models to remain interoperable with external ontologies and vocabularies. so there will be also the option to create a @context with external references in the format

“https://smartdatamodels.org/name”: “schema:name”

Your comments are welcomed

New data models of the Smart Water domain, Spillway, OpenChannelFlowRegulation and RegulationStructureSimulation

In the subject OpenChannelManagement of the Smart Water domain there are 3 new data models available.

[[File:Semi-circular artificial water channel.png|Semi-circular_artificial_water_channel]] It is located at dataModel.OpenChannelManagement subject.

  • OpenChannelFlowRegulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic simulation of a series of independent regulation structures to establish specific flow conditions in the conveyance system. It is made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • RegulationStructureSimulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a data model for regulation structure simulation, for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain.
  • Spillway. This entity contains a harmonized description for a generic Spillway made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. Spillway represents a junction-type object, controlling the release of water from a dam or regulation structure downstream.

Register to the open session all Mondays. Calendar shortcut. #support

Open sessions are 30 minutes of live support for users and contributors of the Smart Data Models held every Monday at 14:00 CET. You can also comment on your ideas about new required data models.
Now you can see in the announcement banner in the upper part of the page this icon

It allows you to add to your google calendar the open sessions all Mondays.

Updated the resources for generating automatic examples

Once you have the json schema of a smart Data model there are two services that allow you to generate random payloads compliant with the JSON schema in NGSI-LD.
both services are for generating

these services have been updated and some errors were fixed.

Soon these services will be also available for NGSI v2 platform.


3 new data models in FrictionlessData subject CSVDialectFrictionlessData, DataResourceFrictionlessData and TableSchemaFrictionlessData

The adaptation of the frictionless data standard is completed with these three new data models in the datamodel.FrictionlessData subject

  • CSVDialectFrictionlessData. The CSV dialect descriptor. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data
  • DataResourceFrictionlessData. Data Resource. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data
  • TableSchemaFrictionlessData. A Table Schema for this resource, compliant with the Table Schema specification. Converted for Smart Data Models initiative from original frictionless data

These data models can easy the integration with OpenSDG a tool for demonstrate the progress in terms of SDG for a region, large organization or country. Open SDG is an open source, free-to-reuse platform for managing and publishing data and statistics related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Open Session 16-8-21

  • New data model checker
    • Now also reports what properties are already being used in other data models and their definitions
  • Slack channel. https://smart-data-models.slack.com
  • In progress
      1. Work with frictionless data accepted by authors
      2. Working regarding the adoption of Energy data models
      3. DDI-CDI integration with NGSI-LD and smart data model


New features in the check of new data models

Now it is possible to check if the defined properties of a new model have already been used in other models.

Thus there are two new sections in the check of the data model:

  • alreadyUsedproperties
  • availableProperties