New data models in transportation subject coming from synchronicity project

3 new data models coming from the synchronicity project are available in the subject dataModels.Transportation.

  • RestrictedTrafficArea. An area of a city in which the traffic generated by cars or any other kind of vehicles is subjected to limitation.
  • RestrictionException. A Restriction Exception represents a particular case that specialise restriction reported in a Restricted Traffic Areas; for instance, it could describe particular permissions applied to specific kind of vehicles
  • SpecialRestriction. A Special Restriction represents a particular case that specialise restriction reported in a Restricted Traffic Areas; for instance, it could describe particular restrictions applied to specific kind of vehicles

These data models were initially developed in the project synchronicity and now it will be curated here.

Updated the contribution manual

This a general review of the contributions’ manual with these changes:

  • Recommendation how to document a property that is an object referencing to a shared schema
  • Change order in the elements (schema recommendation is the most demanded documentation and it is being placed at the beginning)
  • Minor reviews, contact point, etc.

Located in the upper menu of the site.

Update the database for searching properties and descriptions

It has been updated the database for searching properties, two main improvements:

  1.  Performance (now it is a database query instead of the former static file)
  2.  The reference model of the property
  3.  The format (uri, date-time, etc) for string properties.


Alpha version of the service for generating an NGSI-LD payload based on a Smart Data Model

This is an alpha version (so you can expect errors and not being complete). Use it at your own risk. Please report errors and suggestions at


Parameters: (Mandatories)

  • schemaUrl: The link to the RAW version of the json schema (see example)
  • email: your email


Use any data model from Smart Data Models initiative and paste it into the form. Then you’ll get a page with a random payload compliant with the data model. Refresh for more.

You can also use this form

    This form generates a NGSI-LD payload compliant with a json schema from Smart Data Models.


    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    After clicking it will appear a message confirming the submission

    It will take a while to redirect to the feedback on a specific page

    Thanks for being patient

    Script for checking a data model submission

    In the directory utils of the umbrella repository data-models there is a new python script that checks if a schema is properly documented and if the payload is correctly located and validates against the schema.

    New option for drafting a data model

    In the front page, there is a new option that allows you top to directly create a copy of the template sheet for creating new data models.

    Remember that this spreadsheet is done for those unfamiliar with json schema (the official format for the smart data models) to allow them to create a new data model from their knowlege.

    The use instructions are in the spreadsheet

    Any doubt please let us know at