We are hiring!

We are looking for a Semantics / Data Modelling Expert.

If you have a solid knowledge of Python and Git and a knowledge about json and json schema feel free to apply

Check full details about the position in this link


Script for checking a data model submission

In the directory utils of the umbrella repository data-models there is a new python script that checks if a schema is properly documented and if the payload is correctly located and validates against the schema.

New option for drafting a data model

In the front page, there is a new option that allows you top to directly create a copy of the template sheet for creating new data models.

Remember that this spreadsheet is done for those unfamiliar with json schema (the official format for the smart data models) to allow them to create a new data model from their knowlege.

The use instructions are in the spreadsheet

Any doubt please let us know at info@smartdatamodels.org


Drafting service for checking properties of a new data model

We are in the way of creating a service for those contributors willing to contribute with a complete data model.

The service is under debugging, so it cannot be trusted for production purposes. Let us know issues here

In order to access it has to access this URL (https://smartdatamodels.org/extra/check_properties.php) with this parameter ?urlSchema=[url of the raw access o the JSON schema]

I.e. a complete link could be


It returns a JSON payload indicating if this property is available for use (not used in any other data model) or in the case it is already being used what data models are currently using.

Open issues for all data models

There is a new widget on the front page titled “Open PR and issues” there you can browse all the Pull requests contributed by the community and the open issues across all the data models.

Updated every 5 minutes

This way you can be informed about evolution going on and to make sure that all contributions are considered.