Survey to the users of smart data models

This is the first survey to the USERS of the Smart Data Models. We want to know what is more important to you and try to prioritize our efforts. This is an agile initiative, therefore we will take into very consideration your comments. Your survey is anonymous although if you wish you can include your email in comments and we will contact you regarding your comments.

You can answer it here.

    Are you, or your organization, a user of FIWARE platform (any enabler)

    YesNoDo not know

    [group user-fiware-group]

    What elements of the data models are useful for you:

    The json schema. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The examples of payloads. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The specification. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    Other elements. Specify Which one/s

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful


    [group not-user-fiware-group]

    Are you interested on the smart data models?

    YesNoDo not knowOther
    Explain other

    Why don't you use FIWARE platform?

    I do not need itIt is complicatedNot yetOther
    Explain other

    [group do-not-know]
    Please choose the more likely (Yes / No)

    Other recommendations or comments about your answers

    How do you describe yourself

    A developerAn end userA project managerA manager

    Soon there will be another survey for the CONTRIBUTORS.

    New commons section for data models

    There is a new common section, named “DateTime-Commons“,  in the file common-schema.json (the one which is partially included into most of the data models) because it compiles some shared elements (like Location-Commons or GSMA-Commons).
    This section includes the first element, which is the mapping into a property (type object) of the class OpeningHoursSpecification. (see below)

    So whenever there is an opening hours specification this would be the chosen format. (It is true that there is a similar property named OpeningHours, also mapped in that it is only a text (oriented to be printed more than queried).

    It only affects the museum data model that it will be updated after gathering the feedback of the contributors.

    The new section included.

    “DateTime-Commons”: {
    “type”: “object”,
    “description” : “All date-time elements in data models unless explicitly stated are ISO 8601 compliant”,
    “properties”: {
    “openingHoursSpecification”: {
    “type”: “array”,
    “description”: “A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.”,
    “items”: {
    “properties”: {
    “opens”: {
    “type”: “string”,
    “format”: “date-time”
    “closes”: {
    “type”: “string”,
    “format”: “date-time”
    “dayOfWeek”: {
    “type”: “string”,
    “enum”: [
    ] },
    “validFrom”: {
    “type”: “string”,
    “format”: “date-time”
    “validThrough”: {
    “type”: “string”,
    “format”: “date-time”
    “minItems”: 1

    See it in the original file common-schema.json.

    Subscribe to the data models you are interested

    If you are not a developer (But if you are you can also use it) we have created a page for being updated about the last news of your domain of interest

    Check the 10 mail lists available, one per domain. Click in the image to access it.

    It is also available in the main menu in the option Subscribe

    Methodology for working groups to create new data models

    Most of the data models come from different groups of people interested in the creation of standards in an agile way.

    Here you can access a cheat sheet (Let’s call it methodology) on how to tackle these tasks.

    summarized these are the steps. It takes for granted that the group is already available.

    Step 0. Gather documentation

    Step 1. Compile elements.

    Step 2. Meet to reach a Generalization proposal

    Step 3. Internal validation

    Step 4. Create the technical documentation of a data model

    Step 5. Submit your data model

    Step 6. Review

    Step 7. Disseminate