FIWARE summit presentations. Training on SDM.

In these links you can find the two presentations of the training camp held during past week FIWARE summit.

New data model DataServiceRun. Candidate for extending DCAT-AP

The new data model, DataServiceRun, is included into the Smart Data Models’ subject DCAT-AP. Initially this subject maps all the contents of the standard DCAT-AP 2.0.1 but also, aligned with the agile standardization philosophy of the initiative, it extends exiting data models and hopefully would be submitted to the original standardization group for its adoption.

Also the data model DataService has also been extended with 3 additional attributes.

DataServiceRun. A representation of one specific run of a data service (e.g. DataService).

New test service for contributors. Strongly recommended before contributing a data model.

There is a new service for simplifying the testing of a contribution to a data model.

The new service will check it, just by providing the link to the root of the folder in an publicly accessible repository

  • That the schema.json is
    • Present in the right position
    • It is a valid json and it has the right structure (types and descriptions)
    • It has the right metadata, and the required section
    • External references are valid
    • The descriptions are included
  • That the examples are:
    • Present in the right position
    • Key values are validated by the schema
  • Notes.yaml and ADOPTERS.yaml are present in the right position

all the files (mandatory ones like schema and examples) and the optional (notes.yaml, ADOPTERS.yaml)

There is a specific page for this test in the contribution manual

New forms for joining SDM community

The last option of the menu, now include the forms to join the SDM community in the different roles:

Board Member: Organization managing the SDM together with the existing members FIAWRE, TMForum, IUDX and OASC

Contributor: People who bring new / update data models

Adopter: Organization or project using some of the data models

User: People willing to be informed about the updates on the Smart Data Models initiative

We are hiring!

We are looking for a Semantics / Data Modelling Expert.

If you have a solid knowledge of Python and Git and a knowledge about json and json schema feel free to apply

Check full details about the position in this link

Subject Saref for systems and 3 DM, Connection, ConnectionPoint and System

The new subject datamodel.S4SYST is mapping the data models from SAREF for systems 1.1.2.

Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle.

  • Connection. The class of connections between systems. This class qualifies property s4syst:connectedTo. A connection describes potential interactions between systems. Any two connected systems are connected through a connection. A connection can connect more than two systems at the same time.

  • ConnectionPoint. The class of connection points of systems, at which they may be connected to other systems. This class qualifies properties s4syst:connectsSystem and s4syst:connectedThrough. A connection point belongs to exactly one system. Any system connected through a connection is connected at one of its connection points to the connection. The system of a connection point that is connected through a connection is itself connected through the connection.

  • System. The class of systems, i.e., systems virtually isolated from the environment, whose behaviour and interactions with the environment are modeled. Systems can be connected to other systems. Connected systems interact in some ways. Systems can also have subsystems. Properties of subsystems somehow contribute to the properties of the supersystem.

Primäres System

SpaceHeater, SwitchingDevice, Tank, Transformer, TransportElement, TubeBundle, UnitaryControlElement, Valve, VibrationIsolator data models in S4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2.

Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle.

  • SpaceHeater. Space heaters utilize a combination of radiation and/or natural convection using a heating source such as electricity, steam or hot water to heat a limited space or area. Examples of space heaters include radiators, convectors, baseboard and finned-tube heaters. UnitaryEquipment should be used for packaged units supporting a combination of heating, cooling, and/or dehumidification; Coil should be used for coil-based floor heating.

  • SwitchingDevice. A switch is used in a cable distribution system (electrical circuit) to control or modulate the flow of electricity. Switches include those used for electrical power, communications, audio-visual, or other distribution system types as determined by the available ports.

  • Tank. A tank is a vessel or container in which a fluid or gas is stored for later use.

  • Transformer. A transformer is an inductive stationary device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another. Transformer is used to transform electric power; conversion of electric signals for other purposes is handled at other entities: Controller converts arbitrary signals, AudioVisualAppliance converts signals for audio or video streams, and CommunicationsAppliance converts signals for data or other communications usage.

  • TransportElement. A transport element is a generalization of all transport related objects that move people, animals or goods within a building or building complex. The TransportElement defines the occurrence of a transport element.

  • TubeBundle. A tube bundle is a device consisting of tubes and bundles of tubes used for heat transfer and contained typically within other energy conversion devices, such as a chiller or coil.

  • UnitaryControlElement. A unitary control element combines a number of control components into a single product, such as a thermostat or humidistat. A unitary control element provides a housing for an aggregation of control or electrical distribution elements that, in combination, perform a singular (unitary) purpose. Each item in the aggregation may have its own geometric representation and location.

  • Valve. A valve is used in a building services piping distribution system to control or modulate the flow of the fluid.

  • VibrationIsolator. A vibration isolator is a device used to minimize the effects of vibration transmissibility in a building.



ProtectiveDevice, ProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit, Pump, SanitaryTerminal, ShadingDevice, and SolarDevice new data models at S4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2.

Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle.

  • ProtectiveDevice. A protective device breaks an electrical circuit when a stated electric current that passes through it is exceeded. A protective device provides protection against electrical current only (not as a general protective device). It may be used to represent the complete set of elements including both the tripping unit and the breaking unit that provide the protection. This may be particularly useful at earlier stages of design where the approach to breaking the electrical supply may be determined but the method of tripping may not. Alternatively, this entity may be used to specifically represent the breaking unit alone (in which case the tripping unit will also be specifically identified). This entity is specific to dedicated protective devices and excludes electrical outlets that may have circuit protection.

  • ProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit. A protective device tripping unit breaks an electrical circuit at a separate breaking unit when a stated electric current that passes through the unit is exceeded.

  • Pump. A pump is a device that imparts mechanical work on fluids or slurries to move them through a channel or pipeline. A typical use of a pump is to circulate chilled water or heat hot water in a building services distribution system.

  • SanitaryTerminal. A sanitary terminal is a fixed appliance or terminal usually supplied with water and used for drinking, cleaning or foul water disposal or that is an item of equipment directly used with such an appliance or terminal.

  • ShadingDevice. Shading devices are purpose-built devices to protect from the sunlight, from natural light, or to screen them from view. Shading devices can form part of the facade or can be mounted inside the building, they can be fixed or operable.

  • SolarDevice. A solar device converts solar radiation into other energy such as electric current or thermal energy.

Hei solar light champ 1

Outlet data model at S4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2.

Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle.

Outlet. An outlet is a device installed at a point to receive one or more inserted plugs for electrical power or communications. Power outlets are commonly connected within a junction box; data outlets may be directly connected to a wall. For power outlets sharing the same circuit within a junction box, the ports should indicate the logical wiring relationship to the enclosing junction box, even though they may be physically connected to a cable going to another outlet, switch, or fixture.
Factory Outlet proyecto diseñado por Grupo Link