New data model StorageBatteryMeasurement in dataModel.Battery subject

1 new data model in the subject datamodel.Battery

StorageBatteryMeasurement. Storage Battery Observed Data Model is intended to measure the remaining energy capacity in a battery, which can be redistributed in the form of electrical energy. These functions apply from a source that depends on the type of battery (a reference to the attribute ‘batteryType’ of the Data Model StorageBatteryDevice).

Thanks to the contributors

Contribution checklist

There is a new option in the main menu Data Models -> Contribution Checklist

It is strongly recommended to pass every element before submitting your new data model.

See below the checklist







    Optional documents





    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    New data model in Energy subject InverterDevice

    1 new data model is available in the subject dataModel.Energy.

    InverterDevice. The data model is intended to describe the mechanical, electrical characteristics of an Inverter according to DC – Direct Current Information supplied as input and AC – Alternating Current Information returned as output. Remark: This Data Model can be used directly as the main entity to describe the device [Inverter] or as a sub-entity of the Data Model {DEVICE] using a reference by the [refDevice] attribute.

    Thanks to the contributors of the subject.

    New NGSI linked data generator for every data model

    Now the README file of every data model includes a link to the generator of NGSI-LD payloads compliant with the data model.

    As you can see in the image below there is a new section “Dynamic examples generation

    There is the sentence “Link to the Generator of NGSI-LD payloads compliant with this data model. Refresh for new values”. By clicking the Generator link an example of payload appears on the web page. Refreshing (F5) generates new payloads.


    Updated interactive specification

    Now all data models have an interactive specification. (As long as they have examples)
    This is the first step to deeper interactive services for every data model contributed.
    See the example for weatherForecast.

    First Survey to users and contributors of Smart Data Models

      Q1: What elements of a smart data model are useful for you?

      Examples of the options:
      1.-Json Schema
      Mark those relevant for you

      Optional. Other element useful. (Available or desired)

      Q2: What services do you use?

      1.- Search data models
      2.- Validation of payload
      3.-Validate schema before contribution
      4.-Generate a NGSI-LD payload out of a schema
      Search data modelsValidation of payloadValidate of json schema before contributionGenerate a NGSI-LD payload out of a schema
      Optional. Other services missing. (Available or desired)


      Member of FIWARE FoundationMember of TMForumMember of IUDXNo membership

      Include userAlias in common-schema.json

      The file common-schema.json compiles those properties massively used across the different data models in the different domains.
      The property userAlias has been included to store those anonymous identifiers of a user that cannot be traced back to the user.
      It can be referenced in any data model just by including this code

      “userAlias”: {
      “$ref” : “”