In the right column of the front page, there is a new feature for look for data models
once type ‘light’ it looks like in the right |
Every entry is an hyperlink |
In the right column of the front page, there is a new feature for look for data models
once type ‘light’ it looks like in the right |
Every entry is an hyperlink |
The list of data models has been completely changed.
Step 1: write part of the name of data model or repository
Step 2: The table filter the options
Step 3: Click on the name and it takes you directly to the github location you need.
1 new data model is being published in the subject Building
VibrationsObserved. The vibrations observed in a specific place.
The multimedia subject, belonging to the cross-sector domain, has been created with this data model:
MediaEvent. Base for all events raised by elements in the media server.
This model works with the components media server and kurento. Kurento Generic Enabler enables real-time processing of media streams supporting the transformation of video cameras into sensors as well as the incorporation of advanced application functions (integrated audiovisual communications, augmented reality, flexible media playing and recording, etc)
4 new data models for datamodel.wasteWater Subject
In order to reduce the work for the contributors of the new data models, there is a new section on the contribution manual title ‘don’t do these’ with recommendations for the most common poor practices in the contribution process.
Although all contributions are welcomed it will save everybody’s time by reading this section once.
Additionally, the section can be improved so you can submit your recommendations/lessons learned here.
The data models of the subject WaterDistributionManagement EPANET have been updated with flow properties and other improvements. New properties are already available for search in the database.
Additionally, there is an alpha version of the German translation of the specification.
You can answer our survey in order to know what more useful for you.
1 new data model in the subject datamodel.Battery
StorageBatteryMeasurement. Storage Battery Observed Data Model is intended to measure the remaining energy capacity in a battery, which can be redistributed in the form of electrical energy. These functions apply from a source that depends on the type of battery (a reference to the attribute ‘batteryType’ of the Data Model StorageBatteryDevice
Thanks to the contributors
There is a new option in the main menu Data Models -> Contribution Checklist
It is strongly recommended to pass every element before submitting your new data model.
See below the checklist
1 new data model is available in the subject dataModel.Energy.
InverterDevice. The data model is intended to describe the mechanical, electrical characteristics of an Inverter according to DC – Direct Current Information supplied as input and AC – Alternating Current Information returned as output. Remark: This Data Model can be used directly as the main entity to describe the device [Inverter] or as a sub-entity of the Data Model {DEVICE] using a reference by the [refDevice] attribute.
Thanks to the contributors of the subject.