Testing the italian and japanese translations of the specifications

Now in the documentation directory of every data model ‘/doc’ you can see two new files spec_IT.md and spec_JA.md that are the Italian and Japanese translations of the specifications.

They are in beta version, (and they are nice automatic translations, but automatic).

Flag of Japan Flag of Italy

New data Model WasteWaterSimulationResult

A new data model has been published in the dataModel.WasteWater subject belonging to the Smart Water domain.

It is coming from the project FIWARE4WATER.

  • WasteWaterSimulationResult. This entity contains a harmonized description of a WasteWaterSimulationResult made for the Wastewater treatment domain. The entity contains properties that are parameters that have been predicted or forecasted by models through a simulation.

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MInor updates widget in the frontend

In the right part of the screen, the last widget logs some of the minor changes that happen on a daily basis in the Smart Data Models Program.

Most of them are thanks to the contributors and people who raise issues in the repositories of the data models.

Only the last ten will be available but if you want the full story you can download the file.



Added all the ontologies coming from SAREF to the external context options

The new service for the generation of externally referenced @context has now available the mapping of the 13 SAREF ontologies.
Check them out in the ontologies_files directory in the data-models repo.

Local context service

If you want to use data models coming from several subjects you will have to merge (somehow) their @contexts.

In this first step, we offer you a service that allows you to choose what subjects you need to merge and to generate the @context.

See the instructions on the page. Now in Main menu -> @context -> Generate a local context

It also provides you with the conflicts in the attributes’ names, in order to let you solve them manually.

In the next step, possibly next week, you will have another service that will allow you to choose what reference ontologies and vocabularies you want to use and replace the Smart data models IRIs with those coming from these external sources.