600 data models. Call complains subject published and 4 new data models.

4 new data models are available for the CallComplaints subject. These data models are meant to help the management of a call center to gather complaints of users. Thanks to the contributors for their support of this publication. they belong to the cross sector domain.

  • CallUser. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic User-made for the Call Complaints domain.
  • Complaint. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Complaint made for the Call Complaints domain.
  • ComplaintsCollection. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Complaints Collection made for the Call Complaints domain.
  • ComplaintsOrganization. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic Organization made for the Call Complaints domain.

We reach the 600 hundred data models threshold with this contribution.

These models are quite far from the most popular image about complaint management on the net. 😀
Complaint Department Grenade

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