Submit a data model

Use this form only if you do not know how to use git, otherwise, ask permission to contribute here

    (see the list)

    Step 1 / 5. Actual use of the data model

    Used with NGSIv2YesNo

    Used with NGSI-LDYesNo

    Step 2 / 5. Use of standards


    [group group-no-guidelines]


    The coding guidelines help to make all the data models consistent and therefore more adopted
    It is strongly recommended to review your data model against these guidelines, otherwise it will be transformed or even rejected[/group]

    Have you checked the attributes compared with other data models?

    [group group-no-attributes]

    Attributes and enumerations

    The Attributes search database helps you to use same property names ad with the same types for same concepts and it make all the data models more consistent and therefore more adopted
    It is strongly recommended to review your data model against these guidelines. This service also helps you if you have the schema in a url (e.g.[/group]

    Step 4 / 5. Submit Json schema

    Have you check the template for creating a json schema? YesNo

    [group group-nojsonchema] The json schema defines properties in the data model. You have to check its validity here [/group]

    Submit here the json schema (schema.json / schema.jsonld)

    Step 5 / 5. Submit Json payloads

    There are several possible formats for json payloads.

    Have you checked the templates folder for them? YesNo [group group-nojsonexamples] The json examples are the different formats for the payloads within the different context brokers. You can also check its validity against your schema here [/group]

    Submit here the json example (example.json, example.jsonld, etc)


    Do you want to be attributed by the data model submission?
    Do you want your use case to be listed as a current adopter?


    Enter your full name

    Enter a valid email

    Apply as individual or on behalf of your organization?


    [group group-organization]Organization


    By signing this form you agree that all your contributions are free from patents or other restrictions in order to be released with an open license. This license grants users free use, modification, and sharing of the data models and attached documentation with no other restriction but the credits to its authors.

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

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