Test an Orion-LD broker populated with the SDM examples

In the tools menu there is a new option “Test Orion-LD broker“. In this address https://smartdatamodels:1026 there is an Orion-LD Broker installed open for testing purposes. You can check It is wiped out every hour, on minute 27, and then repopulated with some hundreds of examples (most of the current… More…

Tourist data model at Smart Destination

There is a new data model (TouristProfile) for the qualification of the consumption profile of a tourist. Located at the subject TouristDestinations of the domain Smart Destination. Developed and tested in the I4trust project. TouristProfile. Description of a tourist profile based on the characteristics of a person, trip, choice of… More…

FIWARE summit: Presentation on SALTED project. Data enrichment.

Here there are the slides of the SALTED project presented at the session on SDM during past FIWARE summit held at Vienna. It deals with data enrichment and how to merge heterogeneous data sources. More…