FIWARE summit: Presentation on SALTED project. Data enrichment.

Here there are the slides of the SALTED project presented at the session on SDM during past FIWARE summit held at Vienna. It deals with data enrichment and how to merge heterogeneous data sources. More…

FIWARE summit presentations. Training on SDM.

In these links you can find the two presentations of the training camp held during past week FIWARE summit. Basic introduction to SDM Advance services of SDM More…

New forms for joining SDM community

The last option of the menu, now include the forms to join the SDM community in the different roles: Board Member: Organization managing the SDM together with the existing members FIAWRE, TMForum, IUDX and OASC Contributor: People who bring new / update data models Adopter: Organization or project using some… More…

We are hiring!

We are looking for a Semantics / Data Modelling Expert. If you have a solid knowledge of Python and Git and a knowledge about json and json schema feel free to apply Check full details about the position in this link More…

SpaceHeater, SwitchingDevice, Tank, Transformer, TransportElement, TubeBundle, UnitaryControlElement, Valve, VibrationIsolator data models in S4BLDG subject

The new subject datamodel.S4BLDG is mapping the data models from SAREF for buildings 1.1.2. Thanks to the contributors Grzegorz Wiszniewski and Jakob Bjørnskov t the project Twin4Build – A holistic Digital Twin platform for decision-making support over the whole building life cycle. SpaceHeater. Space heaters utilize a combination of radiation… More…