New subject dataModel.ERA and 34 new data models Certificate, ContactLineSystem, ETCSLevel, Feature, FrenchTrainDetectionSystemLimitation, InfrastructureManager, InfrastructureObject, LineReference, LoadCapability, Manufacturer, MaximumMagneticField, MaximumSpeedAndCantDeficiency, MinAxleLoadVehicleCategory, NationalRailwayLine, NetElement, NetRelation, OperationalPoint, PhaseInfo, Platform, RaisedPantographsDistanceAndSpeed, SectionOfLine, Siding, Signal, SpecialArea, SpecialTunnelArea, SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics, SystemSeparationInfo, TopologicalObject, Track, TrainDetectionSystem, Tunnel, Vehicle, VehicleKeeper, VehicleType

The European Union Agency for Railways has published an ontology for Railways and it has been mapped into Smart Data Models. Unfortunately there are not official examples so we have to generate automatically. There are 33 data models listed. Certificate. (Missing description in the source) ContactLineSystem. System that is used… More…

New pysmartdatamodels package 0.6.3 Release

We are thrilled to announce the latest update to pysmartdatamodels Python package, version 0.6.3, featuring a new function: generate_sql_schema()This addition enabling seamless generation of SQL schemas with just a few lines of code! Introducing  generate_sql_schemqa() Function: With the new function, generate_sql_schemqa()  pysmartdatamodels simplifies the process of creating SQL schemas for… More…

Korean translation available for all data models

The Korean translation of the specifications has been incorporated. Therefore every specification folder now it has a new file with the Korean translation. See an example: Also the specification is linked from the file at the front of every data model. More…

New service: Export you data models to SQL schema

We provide a service to Generate a PostgreSQL schema SQL script from the model.yaml representation of a Smart Data Model. You can access this service under this link following Tools > SQL service. You need to provide as input the standard GitHub link to the model.yaml file or the raw… More…

Update: Generate the schema out of your payload

We provide a service to generate JSON schemas from the example payloads you provide. This service is designed to assist contributors who may have limited experience with JSON schemas but with actual examples. You can access the service through this link. We are pleased to announce that we have made… More…

New Sections in README

We have introduced several new sections in the for all the smart data models that we’ve published These are: Links to CSV extensions of example payloads Links to SQL schema Services we designed to help self-contribution Such as in the data model WeatherForecast: Hope you find it useful and… More…

DCAT-AP catalogue service in beta version

DCAT-AP is, possibly, the most relevant standard of a catalogue of datasets (even resources as well). A data spaces’ data models’ building block needs a semantic catalogue of resources in DCAT-AP format. Here you have the beta version of a service providing a DCAT-AP catalogue containing all semantic resources of… More…

New data models for ACRIS subject (airports) OperationTimePeriod, PassengerProcess, PassengerProcessType, QueueLocation, QueueMeasurement, QueueStatus

New data models for the passenger waiting list are mapped in the ACRIS subject from Smart Aeronautics domain. OperationTimePeriod. Property. The time period over which the Checkpoint is operating. PassengerProcess. Property. Information about the Passenger Party Process. PassengerProcessType. Property. Information about the type of Passenger Party Process. QueueLocation. Property. The… More…