New subject dataModel.ERA and 34 new data models Certificate, ContactLineSystem, ETCSLevel, Feature, FrenchTrainDetectionSystemLimitation, InfrastructureManager, InfrastructureObject, LineReference, LoadCapability, Manufacturer, MaximumMagneticField, MaximumSpeedAndCantDeficiency, MinAxleLoadVehicleCategory, NationalRailwayLine, NetElement, NetRelation, OperationalPoint, PhaseInfo, Platform, RaisedPantographsDistanceAndSpeed, SectionOfLine, Siding, Signal, SpecialArea, SpecialTunnelArea, SubsetWithCommonCharacteristics, SystemSeparationInfo, TopologicalObject, Track, TrainDetectionSystem, Tunnel, Vehicle, VehicleKeeper, VehicleType
The European Union Agency for Railways has published an ontology for Railways and it has been mapped into Smart Data Models. Unfortunately there are not official examples so we have to generate automatically. There are 33 data models listed. Certificate. (Missing description in the source) ContactLineSystem. System that is used… More…