Improved the attributes and enumeration data base
Now it is based on a responsive interface with these options: Sort any column Search on any value across the different columns 50-pages pagination check it out More…
Now it is based on a responsive interface with these options: Sort any column Search on any value across the different columns 50-pages pagination check it out More…
The raise an issue form had an issue. It is already fixed. Anyhow there is always room for improvement. Let us know More…
In order to create a new data model is always interesting what others have done in order copy and to maintain interoperability. That’s why we have available a database with all attributes and enumerations across all data models. Now it’s updated daily and the number of occurrences is also available. More…
We are testing a potential new format for the specification that 1) makes easier for people to read the specification 2) provides additional utility to be connected with other platforms making NGSI more compatible Could you check these two new specifications Building, BuildingOperation compared with the old two Building, BuildingOperation… More…
New data models for battery battery status available at its own repository in the Cross-sector domain. Thanks to stbnrivas for its migration from previous project Synchronicity More…
In the pending repository (the place where the data models can be developed if you wish) there is an interesting working going on about sensoring related to water management. In development is : – A data model for the actuator – A data model for the service which is related… More…
Some of the contributors have requested some help about creating new data models. How to do it and where to do it. HOW TO CREATE DATA MODELS 1) If you are clear about the payloads that you want to share (you have a plain key values json payload) i.e.… More…
The data models for aquaculture are under specification. Contributors interested can make Pull Request or submit through the form BreedingOperation FishContainment More…
Thanks to the University of Cantabria (check the updated contributors.yaml) there are two new data models for Urban Mobility inside the domain of Smart cities PublicTransportRoute PublicTransportStop They are focused on the needs of public transport while been quite aligned with GTFS standard More…
The offStreet parking data model (inside smart cities domain) had improved its consistency between the specification and the examples and the data model schema. And to be aligned with DATEX II specification. Check it out in this link OffStreetparking to see it complete. Thanks to the user danvilmont More…