Specifications in languages in the readme of the data models

Now you can see the links to the specification in two languages, Spanish y French in the README.md of every data models. German and Japanese are in the queue. See here an example More…
Now you can see the links to the specification in two languages, Spanish y French in the README.md of every data models. German and Japanese are in the queue. See here an example More…
All the specifications (the text descriptions of the data model located in the /doc directory of each daat model) for the different domains and languages (currently French and Spanish besides English) have been updated to the new format. See an example in Spanish and French. All of them are generated… More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.Parking is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.Transportation is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.Streetlighting is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.WaterNetworkManagement is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.UrbanMobility is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
In the process of converting repositories to the new format, the repo dataModel.WasteManagement is being converted. It means: json schema has already documented every property The new specs in EN-US, FR and ES are available More…
Although the net is plenty of sites for validation of a payload against a json schema, below you have this service. Besides this post the form will be available in the validation payload link where it is explained how to validate through an API call (bottom part of the page,… More…
For those of you willing to submit new data models there has been an update of the contribution manual in section 1.2 pages 9-11. It affects to the use of $ref for single properties and how to document. Additionally the expections allowed (for the moment) for the documentation of geoproperties…. More…