Updated context.jsonld

The context.jsonld for smart data models has been updated to meet json ld requirements. Now they are implementing geojson requirements. It affects the terms of bbox and coordinates. It could impact those elements having a geoproperty (most of the data models). More…

Create your data model with a google spreadsheet

NEW VERSION!! This post became obsolete, go for the new master sheet   This is a resource, especially for those who have limited knowledge of JSON schema. If you want to create a basic version of a data model (not all JSON schema is implemented), you can use a copy… More…

Alpha version for drafting a data model

In case you are not an expert for creating a JSON schema (one of the elements of a data model) On this page, you have a spreadsheet for helping with the first steps. 1.- Fill the spreadsheet with the names of the properties for your model 2.- fill the NGSI… More…

New Data model TouristTrip

The new Subject of dataModel.TourismDestinations, inside the SmartDestination domain has released 1 new data model: TouristTrip : A tourist trip. A created itinerary of visits to one or more places of interest (TouristAttraction/TouristDestination) often linked by a similar theme, geographic area, or interest to a particular touristType. The UNWTO defines… More…

Include levels of privacy of properties in their description

The privacy of the data contained in a property has been under discussion for the documentation of any property. Now there is a first version on how to implement it. The contribution manual has been updated for this possibility. See the specific slide about it. Privacy clause: Privacy:’[high/medium/low] Describes if… More…

Instructions to be listed as a data model adopter of Smart Data Models

It has been updated the format of the list of adopters of the data models (formerly were CURRENT-ADOPTERS.md markdown files), now in it is rename into ADOPTERS.yaml based on this yaml template which allows an automatic processing. (Further announcements could be included in a future). Further instructions in the page… More…

New Subject TouristDestination at Smart Destinations domain and data models Event and Tourist Destination

New Subject, dataModel.TourismDestinations for allocating data models related to touristic destinations. It is located in the Smart Destinations domain repository. Event is based on the examples provided for the semantic standard UNE 178503 and schema.org. TouristDestination is also based on this standard and UNE178503. Schema and examples already available, specification… More…