Version 0.8 of the pysmartdatamodels package

Due to the new configuration of files of the package pysmartdatamodels it will be no longer required to use the from clause (initially) Therefore now to import the package in python it will be simply import pysmartdatamodels as sdm Accordingly the examples of code in all data models are being… More…

Public tender clause document

Some of the users of the Smart Data Models are public entities. Those entities are willing to use Smart Data Models in the provisioning of their IT systems. They can do it because SDM are open licensed models not depending on any software maker but in public standards and the… More…

Examples of code associated to every data model

In order to make easier the use of the Smart Data Models now in every repository in GitHub there is a new directory named ‘code’ that contains for the python code using the pysmartdatamodels  for the architecture in the image below. The idea is a code that fills several attributes… More…

New version of pysmartdatamodels python package 0.7.1

The changes in this new version are: – Including new function validate_dcat_ap_distribution_sdm – Updating the comments of most of the functions – Some code improvements by – Included a new directory with templates for the creation of a data model. Not used yet but next version they will be… More…

Four new data models for the Gaia-X subject

There are 4 new data models added to the subject Gaia-X how it was previously announced. CPU. Computational processing unit of virtual and physical machines. Disk. Capabilities of a physical or virtual hard drive. GPU. Graphical processing unit of virtual and physical machines. Memory. Details with respect to properties and… More…

New subject Gaia-X

Thanks to the collaboration in the Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) there is a new subject to compile the mapping of the semantic assets of Gaia-X to be used in NGSI-LD systems. It allows the storage of the information related to assets according to the definitions of Gaia-X. The first… More…

Major release of PortCall data model at MarineTransport subject

A new major version of the PortCall data model in the subject of Marine Transport has been published. Additions includes a more precise timing attributes and alignment with maritime regulations. In example IMO-> S211-IALA ->  EDIFACT-> EMSWe -> / Thanks to the adopters and contributors… More…

New data models I4submodelElement operation and I4SubmodelElementProperty In AAS subject

Two new data models have been published in the subject dataModel.AAS (Asset administration shell) in the Smart manufacturing domain. The data model was created thanks to the project Corosect. I4SubmodelElementOperation. Based on IDTA-01001-3-0, describes a generic RAMI4.0 SubmodelElement representing an OPERATION (Command) of a referenced Asset Administration Shell I4SubmodelElementProperty. Based… More…