Local @context improved

The local @context, used by NGSI-LD users of the platform has now taken into account those generic terms which are in the commons-schema.json at the root. In fact, there is a @context based on these terms named common-context.jsonld. So, the common terms have an IRI with this pattern https://smartdatamodels.org/term that… More…

5 New data models for Smart Water domain. OpenChannelManagement Subject

In the subject OpenChannelManagement of the Smart Water domain, there are 3 new data models available. [[File:Semi-circular artificial water channel.png|Semi-circular_artificial_water_channel]] It is located at dataModel.OpenChannelManagement subject. OpenChannelCurve. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic curve made for Raw-Water (Open Channels) System Management domain. OpenChannelJunction. This entity contains a… More…

Local context available in all subjects

We the middle of a reorganization of the @context resources. Our first priority is to not touch the @context that is currently available. We grant you we keep it. Why is this new option being created?, because otherwise is not possible to solve the conflicts in the IRI when we… More…

New data models of the Smart Water domain, Spillway, OpenChannelFlowRegulation and RegulationStructureSimulation

In the subject OpenChannelManagement of the Smart Water domain there are 3 new data models available. [[File:Semi-circular artificial water channel.png|Semi-circular_artificial_water_channel]] It is located at dataModel.OpenChannelManagement subject. OpenChannelFlowRegulation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic simulation of a series of independent regulation structures to establish specific flow conditions in… More…

GBFS standard mapped

The standard GBFS for real-time mobility in bike has been completely mapped (version 2.2) in the subject dataModel.GBFS of the Smart Data Models program. the standard is maintained by North American Bikeshare and Scootshare association It is located at dataModel.GBFS subject. free_bike_status. Describes the vehicles that are available for rent… More…

gbfs data model in GBFS subject

gbfs is the next data model of the mapping of the GBFS 2.2 standard into a subject of the Smart Data Models program. It is located at dataModel.GBFS subject. gbfs. Auto-discovery file that links to all of the other files published by the system. According to the Standard GBFS 2.2 More…