There is a new data model RainFallRadarObservation. The Data Model is intended to measure the water slides on a predefined area by a set of 4 Location represented by a Geo property format.
Located in the Environment Subject.
There is a new data model RainFallRadarObservation. The Data Model is intended to measure the water slides on a predefined area by a set of 4 Location represented by a Geo property format.
Located in the Environment Subject.
** Update
** added examples and needed files for all resource types of HL7/FHIR-R4
** INCODE data models update - second round of validation
** Extend schemas for Dataset and DataService from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0
Smart Data Models. Report and Open Session
07/04/2025 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Monthly meeting of Smart data models program to report and collect general feedback from users.
For specific questions use the booking service of support