Automated README for Subjects

As promised the at Subject level explaining the different data models is automated, and therefore there is no need to be contributed by the contributors. See an example here for the weather subject

Thus, the is based on the data models and their descriptions, linking to the current contributors

Soon the for the domain will be also automated.


Automated for data models

Currently, the at data models level (inside every directory in a Subject) explaining the contents of the data models is automated, and therefore there is no need to be contributed by the contributors. See an example here for the weather forecast.

Thus, the is based on the examples provided, the specification and the model.yaml.

Soon the for the Subject will be also automated.

Incubated data models

if you are browsing the repository you can realise that now there are several data models ended with the term ‘_incubated’.
This suffix denotes that there will be ‘soon’ a new data model.
The readme in the folder points to the repository where this data model is being created.

Once finished (all the docs, examples, etc) the _incubated suffix will be removed and the data model will be fully included into the data models.
some examples:


BuildingType_incubated(published 30-11-21)

PhreaticObserved_incubated (published 31-5-2021)

RainFallRadarObserved_incubated (published 10-5-2021)


Survey to the users of smart data models

This is the first survey to the USERS of the Smart Data Models. We want to know what is more important to you and try to prioritize our efforts. This is an agile initiative, therefore we will take into very consideration your comments. Your survey is anonymous although if you wish you can include your email in comments and we will contact you regarding your comments.

You can answer it here.

    Are you, or your organization, a user of FIWARE platform (any enabler)

    YesNoDo not know

    What elements of the data models are useful for you:

    The json schema. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The examples of payloads. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    The specification. See an example

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    Other elements. Specify Which one/s

    Very usefulSomehow usefulNot useful

    Are you interested on the smart data models?

    YesNoDo not knowOther
    Explain other

    Why don't you use FIWARE platform?

    I do not need itIt is complicatedNot yetOther
    Explain other

    Please choose the more likely (Yes / No)

    Other recommendations or comments about your answers

    How do you describe yourself

    A developerAn end userA project managerA manager

    Soon there will be another survey for the CONTRIBUTORS.

    New data models for Photovoltaic Device

    In the harmonization repository, there is a new model name photovoltaic Device. To be completed previously to be incorporated. You can submit an issue on it if interested.

    The Data Model is intended to describe the mechanical, electrical and thermal characteristics of photo-voltaic panels according to : – STC – Standard Test Condition – Sunshine 1000 Wm² / Radiation 1.5 AM / Temp 25° Celsius / Air Masse 0 m/s. – NOCT – Normal Operating Cell Temperature
    – Sunshine 800 Wm² / Radiation 1.5 AM / Temp 20° Celsius / Air Masse 1 m/s.

    The measures performed for STC and NOCT are – [Pmax] Maximum Nominal Power measured in WTT represents Watt.. – [Umpp] Optimal operating voltage measured in VLT represents Volt. – [Impp] Optimal Operating Current measured in AMP represents Ampere. – [Uoc] Open Circuit Voltage measured in VLT represents Volt. – [Isc] Short Circuit Current measured in AMP represents Ampere.

    Additional Information about Data Model: This Data Model can be used directly as the main entity to describe the device [PHOTOVOLTAIC] or as a sub-entity of the Data Model [DEVICE] using a reference by the refDevice attribute.

    New harmonization repository

    In order to provide a more transparent and participative approach to the creation and maintenance of data models, here you can see the three stages for a usual data model to be part of the official list of data models.

    1.- Pending is the ‘wild’ zone where developers share their thoughts and create their data models. When finished (ready) they can create a PR on the right Subject repository.

    2.- Harmonization is the repository for those new accepted models while they are fine-tuned or completed

    3.- Subject means the repository in which the data model is officially published. Once there they are versioned when necessary.

    Pending Harmonization Subject
    Control of contributions No Yes Yes
    Scripts for checking No Yes (specific) Yes (only acceptance and on update)
    Code inside json schema No Harmonizing Local standard

    Global standard

    Versioning No No Yes
    Managed Each contributor Contributor + SDM control SDM control
    In domain No No Yes
    Accept issues Yes but not managed Yes Yes (Here the open ones)
    First Access Anyone
    1. Anyone previous pending acceptance
    2. Members direct

    SDM: Smart Data Models initiative

    Connection with European open data portal

    The European open data portal is possibly the biggest open data portal in the world with more than one million free datasets coming from 36 countries.

    One of the mechanisms to access its data is the use of the standard of DCAT-AP standard 2.0 which defines its catalogue of resources.


    In the repository pending there are two data models, in progress to connect a dataset and a distribution as an additional resource by using NGSI. The idea is to create a script to map this resource into NGSI.

    Updated the csv examples

    Every data model has a directory with examples of the payloads (json and jsonld) in key-values and normalized formats.

    But it also includes examples of csv that it could help to connect the data models for other platforms.

    Now, these examples are re-created automatically once a day.

    The naming convention for these examples are the same name of the original payload plus a .csv suffix.

    An example for the Battery data model examples.


    Searchable descriptions of data models

    In the upper menu (option Search descriptions) there is a searchable database of the descriptions for all the properties across the different data models.
    Try it out here.

    This DDBB is updated daily.

    Working with https and improvement in the issue form

    1.- It is just a technical improvement but now you can access everything in this site with

    2.- The issue form has also been improved with new options but simplified structure.

    Check it out and please report any issue.
