Updated the learning zone with new videos

There is a new section in the Learning zone (4th option from the left in the upper menu).

The three new videos explain how to create data models without much technical knowledge thanks to the text editor online.

Three videos to create your first data model

These 3 videos are explaining to you how to use the online editor to create a new data model.

Are the videos useful?

    Useful (***** the best, * the worst)

    Open session 5-7-21

    Presentation of the 5-7-21 in the open session. Next session on the 12th of July 14:00h CEST.


    You can join the event directly here http://bit.ly/smartdatamodels

    If you want to have it on your agenda click here.

    If you want to present something these are the slides with several free slots to be filled by the people attending.

    Source code for generating NGSI-LD key values examples based on Smart Data Models released

    According to the last open session, the script for the creation of the examples of the NGSI-LD key values is available for review and use with an open license.
    It is a python 3.6 script you can access in the utils directory of the initiative.
    Source code available

    New data model ItemFlowObserved

    In the subject dataModel.Transportation there is a new data model, ItemFlowObserved for counting items in lanes or other places that need to be counted.

    • ItemFlowObserved. The data model intended to measure an observation linked to the movement of an item at a certain location and over a given period. This Data Model proposes an evolution of two Data Model by merging them and integrating all the attributes of the initial version of [TrafficFlowObserved] and [CrowFlowObserved] and by extension any type of item that we want to analyze the movements. Attributes vehicleType and vehicleSubType are removed from the initial data Model in order to become generic itemType and itemSubType of possible values. (people, Type of vehicle, Type of boat, Type of plane, …).

    Open Session 28-6-21

    Presentation of the 28-6-21 in the open session. Next session on the 5th of July 14:00h CEST.


    You can join the event directly here http://bit.ly/smartdatamodels

    If you want to have it on your agenda click here.

    If you want to present something these are the slides with several free slots to be filled by the people attending.


    Release of software for Smart Data Models Programs

    According to the last open session, the script for the creation of the model.yaml file (see this example) file which is present in every data model has been released.
    It is a python 3.6 script you can access in the utils directory of the program.
    source code available.

    CityWork Data model in Transportation subject

    In the subject dataModel.Transportation there is a new data model, CityWork capable of storing the values and the impacted infrastructures of the city due to due civil engineering works in the transportations system of a Smart City (or other places),

    • CityWork. The Data Model is a contextual description of urban works carried out on a road axis and which can impact individuals (Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, .…) or common transport (Tram, Bus, subway). It contains a geographic representation making it possible to locate its work from a specific JSON Object and at a more global level (Road segment, Road, District, …) in order to assess the potential impacts on the circulation. A GeoJSON object may represent a region of space (a Geometry), a spatially-bounded entity (a Feature), or a list of features (a Feature Collection). refer to the document geojson for more information about the modeling and the possible value.

    Thanks to the Contributors.

    Collaboration with existing data models in progress.

    If you are willing to collaborate with some of the data models currently in progress you can now access a list of projects in the new option in the main menu.

    If you are willing to launch your own project for the creation or update of data models you can fill this form, to ask for permissions in incubated repository. Once received permissions will be granted. Also in the main menu.