Local @context now have existing URL

In the root of every subject in the Smart Data Models program there is a file named

context.jsonld (example from environment subject)

It compiles long IRI for every term in the subject (But for those which are general terms).

their URLs match this pattern “https://smartdatamodels.org/ ‘subject’  / term”

e.g.  “aqiMajorPollutant”: “https://smartdatamodels.org/dataModel.Environment/aqiMajorPollutant

Now all of them are existing pages with basic information about the term.



Sculpture In Context 2004 7

New data model in Transportation subject. FleetVehicleStatus

Thanks to the relationship with IoT Big Data project of the GSMA organization now there a new data model for dataModel.Transportation subject, FleetVehicleStatus.

  • FleetVehicleStatus. This entity contains a harmonized description of the status of a generic fleet vehicle. This entity is primarily associated with the vertical segment of transport and logistics but may also be used in many other related IoT applications.

NRWTag W Elberfeld 02 ies

Two new data models for transportation subject. FleetVehicle and FleetVehicleOperation

Thanks to the relationship with IoT Big Data project of the GSMA organization now there are two new data models for dataModel.Transportation subject FleetVehicle and FleetVehicleOperation

  • FleetVehicle. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic fleet vehicle such as a delivery vehicle, an ambulance, or a postal vehicle. This entity is primarily associated with the vertical segment of transport and logistics but may also be used in many other related IoT applications.
  • FleetVehicleOperation. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic fleet vehicle operation such as a delivery, or a postal collection. This entity is primarily associated with the vertical segment of transport and logistics but may also be used in many other related IoT applications.

Wuppertal - Friedrich-Engels-Allee - Karneval 140 ies

New data model in Building subject: BuildingType

There is a new data model in the dataModel.Building subject. BuidlingType Thanks to the cooperation with GSMA IotBig Data project.

  • BuildingType. This entity contains a harmonized description of a generic building type. This entity is associated with the vertical segments of smart homes, smart cities, industry, and related IoT applications. The building type includes a hierarchical structure that allows building types to be grouped in a flexible way.

León catedral 01 JMM

New ontology mapped: GSMA

GSMA in their Iot Big data project has created an ontology for mapping some of the elemtens in the data models.

Now in the folder

data-models > context -> ontologies_files ->gsma.json you have the file you can use with the external @context generator service in the main menu.


Testing the italian and japanese translations of the specifications

Now in the documentation directory of every data model ‘/doc’ you can see two new files spec_IT.md and spec_JA.md that are the Italian and Japanese translations of the specifications.

They are in beta version, (and they are nice automatic translations, but automatic).

Flag of Japan Flag of Italy