Although the preferred option to submit a data model is by making a pull request on the right data model, we have shared this form to allow you to submit it.
The form is on the option Submit data model in the main menu.
Although the preferred option to submit a data model is by making a pull request on the right data model, we have shared this form to allow you to submit it.
The form is on the option Submit data model in the main menu.
Here you can access the drafted versioning policy for the smart data models repository.
Comments welcomed as an issue here or in the administrator mail alberto . abella @ fiware .org
The structure of the repositories are :
Domain repository: Full global sector repository containing general documents, global schemas for the domain and
Subject repository: It compiles a group of data models on the same subject, usually belonging to on single domain. In case of being used in several domains, they will be allocated under the Cross sector domain.
Old term topic is being removed across all domains.
It has just created Smart manufacturing domain to gather all the data models of this sector.
Soon some subjects will be created and data models will be gathered there.
All submitted modules are required to have a schemaVersion attribute in their schema.json.
This is changed in the guidelines for coding standards
An automatic script will detect it and in case of not being detected it includes a line
“schemaVersion” : “0.0”
The vehicle data model has been adapted to DATEX II 3.0 in terms of vehicle types.
Included pollutants Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, carbon monoxide, nickel, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate minor 10 microns, particulate minor 2.5 microns, lead, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide.
Available here.
Data model for vehicle, inside topic dataModel.Transportation to meet the description of datex II of having -1 speed to represent stopped cars.
There is a new domain available Robotics. In a short time, there will be topics and data models regarding this domain.