Data model for vehicle, inside topic dataModel.Transportation to meet the description of datex II of having -1 speed to represent stopped cars.
Author: maestro
Created domain for robotics
There is a new domain available Robotics. In a short time, there will be topics and data models regarding this domain.
New topics in Smart water
It has been created the topics for the domain of Smartwater
soon there will be PR to fill it with the data models
Fixed weather UV property
Thanks to Jaime Ventura, See here the issue comments but we will change the uVIndexMax
attribute across different data model.
IUDX joins the steering board of Smart Data Models initiative
IUDX joins the steering board of Smart Data Models initiative. This agreement will allow FIWARE and the IUDX to collaborate on data models suitable for use in smart city applications. This work will be done in conjunction with the ongoing joint activity between TM Forum — an alliance of 850+ global companies working together to break down technology and cultural barriers between digital service providers, technology suppliers, consultancies and systems integrators — and FIWARE.